So Ive been thinking. yeah, real thinking. Scary isnt it? It wasnt abotu History homework, or what im going to wear tomorrow, or something funny someone said today. You see, im so simple and shallow (not looks wise) that I never discover some deeper thought unless i really stop to ponder.
I was thinking about I really want out of life sometimes. Not what I want to be, or what my goals are, but what I truly want. Most of you will know these things just by having known me, but theyre the kind of things i didnt realize til i really thought about it.
I want to be famous. Not Nanaimo Famous. I want everyone to know my name and talk about me all the time, whether a positive or negative connotation.
I want to be recognized, anywhere and everywhere.
a public icon
I want people to make rumours about me when they see me
I want them to be jealous
I want them to wish they WERE me
A lot of the time I want to be better
better than anyone in the world
i want them to worship the ground i walk on.
Sometimes I just wish that everybody just thought good things about me
and everybody liked me
I want them to think im a good friend
I want them to think i'll be there for them
that they can tell me anything
and that I'll listen
sometimes thats true
and then sometimes I want to be mean
unecessarily cruel
I want people to be afraid of me
afraid to make me angry
afraid of what im capable of
When I walk down the street I want them to know that i can be dangerous.
And every so often I wish that there would be someone to love me for who I am
I dont think thats too hard
I want them to chuckle at my oddities
and ignore my flaws
I want them to tell me everythings going to be okay when the world seems to fall apart.
And then, after all that, I think of all the other people who want things
all the other people thinking by the themselves on their own blogs
wanting the things that I already have
like great friends
a good financial position
decent grades
a bit of talent
a sense of humour
and then I smile.
Everybody wants something. Whether it to be incredibly rich, or have the house in the suburbs with the SUV/collie/2.3 children. SOme want to just blend into the background, or do something simply for the good of others, not caring if they get recognition.
So everyone wants something. Think hard. What do YOU want?
I was thinking about I really want out of life sometimes. Not what I want to be, or what my goals are, but what I truly want. Most of you will know these things just by having known me, but theyre the kind of things i didnt realize til i really thought about it.
I want to be famous. Not Nanaimo Famous. I want everyone to know my name and talk about me all the time, whether a positive or negative connotation.
I want to be recognized, anywhere and everywhere.
a public icon
I want people to make rumours about me when they see me
I want them to be jealous
I want them to wish they WERE me
A lot of the time I want to be better
better than anyone in the world
i want them to worship the ground i walk on.
Sometimes I just wish that everybody just thought good things about me
and everybody liked me
I want them to think im a good friend
I want them to think i'll be there for them
that they can tell me anything
and that I'll listen
sometimes thats true
and then sometimes I want to be mean
unecessarily cruel
I want people to be afraid of me
afraid to make me angry
afraid of what im capable of
When I walk down the street I want them to know that i can be dangerous.
And every so often I wish that there would be someone to love me for who I am
I dont think thats too hard
I want them to chuckle at my oddities
and ignore my flaws
I want them to tell me everythings going to be okay when the world seems to fall apart.
And then, after all that, I think of all the other people who want things
all the other people thinking by the themselves on their own blogs
wanting the things that I already have
like great friends
a good financial position
decent grades
a bit of talent
a sense of humour
and then I smile.
Everybody wants something. Whether it to be incredibly rich, or have the house in the suburbs with the SUV/collie/2.3 children. SOme want to just blend into the background, or do something simply for the good of others, not caring if they get recognition.
So everyone wants something. Think hard. What do YOU want?
At January 19, 2005 11:25 PM,
Unknown said…
to TRUELY love and be loved
to be a nurse
to leave my mark on the earth & have a part of me continue on ( kids)
to make sum sort of difference in the world
to gain as much knowledge as possible.
to be a better friend
to travel.
to be financially secure.
.. the usual.
At January 20, 2005 4:07 AM,
K said…
Interestingly enough, I want almost the same things as Alanna, except not to be a nurse. Surely there are jobs where you would seem like more of a risk-taker that had fewer real, physical occupation-relation hazards (health professionals, usually nurses, get hurt a lot, most of the time by patients like flailing, spazzing or otherwise striking them). Are you looking for posts from all of us?
At January 22, 2005 10:00 PM,
VivaLaPinto said…
Deep Thought to Contemplate #2: why do you want all these things? just cause i'm interested.
At January 23, 2005 10:40 AM,
Glenn said…
To leave a huge mark on this world. And by huge I mean huge.
At January 23, 2005 9:11 PM,
Pineapple Princess! said…
Did you go to auditions today? If so how did they go? POST ABOUT IT!!!
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