The Trees Are Bare and Everywhere the Streets Are Full of Strangers
SO my weekend in Vancouver was pretty good. Friday night at CITT is completely covererd in Lisa V's blog, so I dont think im going to detail it here.. Basically the highlight was team frankenpolt winning second prize in the competition for COOLEST CONTRAPTION. Go Mal, we rock. I ended up winning this super fancy screwdriver, and randomly won a first aid course in a draw. However, I can only take in Vancouver, so hopefully I can do that..
After CITT, we hopped onto the skytrain, where we were highly entertained by this drunk guy and his friend, who gave us all high fives, offered Ace three shots of 151, and then kissed Maddy on the way out. After that we found our way to YWCA, where me, Tasia, Devin, and Nikki dropped off our stuff and then headed out for a night on the town! whoop! We actually split up at this point, cause me and Tasia went to meet up with Stephen and his friends at the Buffalo Club, and Nikki and Devin wanted to go to Celebrities. However, we decided to meet up later at Oddysey. So, once at the Buffalo club, we got a few good drinks in us, and danced away to a ROCKIN BAND that played really cool tunes like Do You Want To by Franz Ferdinand, Say It Aint So by Weezer, and many other songs that arent just stupid dance/ hip hop stuff. At first I didnt think they would be any y good, because the lead singer was this like, 35 year old woman in a business suit, but they were so awesome! We ended up leaving around midnight though to go to the Odyssey, this VERY gay club own the road. We never did end up meeting with Nikki and Devin, cause they got way too drunk and stayed at Celebs, but that didnt stop us from having a rad time!! We danced our little butts off. Later in the evening I gave Tasia two options: drink, or dance. SHe picked drink every time!! so we kept going back up to the bar to get shots. needless to say, we were very out of our minds by the end. I danced with a transvestite! it was so funny, cause he.. she... It.. kept saying stuff but it was so loud I had no idea what she was saying. And I saw male strippers!! i had never seen strippers before, so I giggled. It was so much fun. Around 2:30 we staggered back to the Y, where a very grumpy Lisa and Spencer brought down our stuff.. We collapsed ( literally!) into bed at UBC at 3:30 in the morning. What A day.
Saturday and SUnday were way more low key, I spent some time with Stephen and Ryan, Tasia, and her friend Shawna, and thats about it.
This past week was all about getting ready for CCPA after Nikki convinced me on MOnday to audition. And by convinced me I mean she said, hey Brianna come audition, and I said, okay.
This turned out to be a mistake, as I spent the entire week PANICKING and trying to learn a song, find the sheet music, get a headshot, make an actors resume, memorize two monolgues, and get my transcript... it was hectic. But, I actually managed to do it all.
Friday after work NIkki, her nana, Azusa, and me all drove down to Victoria, and I went to stay at Megans house. WE went to Noodlebox with Kevin and Martha, and we had a really awesome time reminiscing, and talking and whatnot. I always laugh soo hard when I hang out with them, its fabulous! We went to see Mel for a bit too, but she was drunk and high, so that wasnt so fun.
Saturday dawned bright and clear after all that rain, and me and Megan got all ready to go to the auditions ( she was just there for moral support). We got there by 9... and werent out until 5 o clock. :S
I guess they went okay.. I cant dance so that was a write off... and then I had to sit and stew in my own fear for 4 hours to wait for my singing and acting audition. It really didnt go very well in my opinion. My song was okay, at best. ANd my monologues? WEll.. i forgot some of the words in the first one, and then the second one they stopped me and told me to start again, but slower and lower pitched. Any hopes I had to wow them in my interview with my wit and charm were dashed too with the state of my nerves. ALl in all, I would say it was a pretty terrible experience.. and my chances of getting in are slim to none.. but I guess it'll just make me all the better for next year.
The rest of my weekend was fun though! WEnt to dinner with my sister Tiffany, and one of her friends, then went to his house to play some DDR. Then went backt o Megans to watch movies with her, Kevin, and Martha. Got to sleep in Sunday morning.. then came home with Nikki and CO!
Ten Things:
1) I hope we do end up living together one day, because I think the two of us really get each other
2) Grow up, Join us in the real world, and THEN give me call
3) Why are you such a jerk to me? SOmetimes I think were friends, and then im not sure.
4) One of these days you are going to seriously realize you are losing all your friends.
5) I miss you :(
6) I think you feel like you keep having to prove yourself, but to who?
7) It drives me nuts that as soon as you got a girlfriend we stopped hanging out.
8) You are driving me crazy!!!
9) You arent as good as you think you are
10) Im really glad we became friends
After CITT, we hopped onto the skytrain, where we were highly entertained by this drunk guy and his friend, who gave us all high fives, offered Ace three shots of 151, and then kissed Maddy on the way out. After that we found our way to YWCA, where me, Tasia, Devin, and Nikki dropped off our stuff and then headed out for a night on the town! whoop! We actually split up at this point, cause me and Tasia went to meet up with Stephen and his friends at the Buffalo Club, and Nikki and Devin wanted to go to Celebrities. However, we decided to meet up later at Oddysey. So, once at the Buffalo club, we got a few good drinks in us, and danced away to a ROCKIN BAND that played really cool tunes like Do You Want To by Franz Ferdinand, Say It Aint So by Weezer, and many other songs that arent just stupid dance/ hip hop stuff. At first I didnt think they would be any y good, because the lead singer was this like, 35 year old woman in a business suit, but they were so awesome! We ended up leaving around midnight though to go to the Odyssey, this VERY gay club own the road. We never did end up meeting with Nikki and Devin, cause they got way too drunk and stayed at Celebs, but that didnt stop us from having a rad time!! We danced our little butts off. Later in the evening I gave Tasia two options: drink, or dance. SHe picked drink every time!! so we kept going back up to the bar to get shots. needless to say, we were very out of our minds by the end. I danced with a transvestite! it was so funny, cause he.. she... It.. kept saying stuff but it was so loud I had no idea what she was saying. And I saw male strippers!! i had never seen strippers before, so I giggled. It was so much fun. Around 2:30 we staggered back to the Y, where a very grumpy Lisa and Spencer brought down our stuff.. We collapsed ( literally!) into bed at UBC at 3:30 in the morning. What A day.
Saturday and SUnday were way more low key, I spent some time with Stephen and Ryan, Tasia, and her friend Shawna, and thats about it.
This past week was all about getting ready for CCPA after Nikki convinced me on MOnday to audition. And by convinced me I mean she said, hey Brianna come audition, and I said, okay.
This turned out to be a mistake, as I spent the entire week PANICKING and trying to learn a song, find the sheet music, get a headshot, make an actors resume, memorize two monolgues, and get my transcript... it was hectic. But, I actually managed to do it all.
Friday after work NIkki, her nana, Azusa, and me all drove down to Victoria, and I went to stay at Megans house. WE went to Noodlebox with Kevin and Martha, and we had a really awesome time reminiscing, and talking and whatnot. I always laugh soo hard when I hang out with them, its fabulous! We went to see Mel for a bit too, but she was drunk and high, so that wasnt so fun.
Saturday dawned bright and clear after all that rain, and me and Megan got all ready to go to the auditions ( she was just there for moral support). We got there by 9... and werent out until 5 o clock. :S
I guess they went okay.. I cant dance so that was a write off... and then I had to sit and stew in my own fear for 4 hours to wait for my singing and acting audition. It really didnt go very well in my opinion. My song was okay, at best. ANd my monologues? WEll.. i forgot some of the words in the first one, and then the second one they stopped me and told me to start again, but slower and lower pitched. Any hopes I had to wow them in my interview with my wit and charm were dashed too with the state of my nerves. ALl in all, I would say it was a pretty terrible experience.. and my chances of getting in are slim to none.. but I guess it'll just make me all the better for next year.
The rest of my weekend was fun though! WEnt to dinner with my sister Tiffany, and one of her friends, then went to his house to play some DDR. Then went backt o Megans to watch movies with her, Kevin, and Martha. Got to sleep in Sunday morning.. then came home with Nikki and CO!
Ten Things:
1) I hope we do end up living together one day, because I think the two of us really get each other
2) Grow up, Join us in the real world, and THEN give me call
3) Why are you such a jerk to me? SOmetimes I think were friends, and then im not sure.
4) One of these days you are going to seriously realize you are losing all your friends.
5) I miss you :(
6) I think you feel like you keep having to prove yourself, but to who?
7) It drives me nuts that as soon as you got a girlfriend we stopped hanging out.
8) You are driving me crazy!!!
9) You arent as good as you think you are
10) Im really glad we became friends
At February 11, 2007 11:26 PM,
Megan said…
You're awesome, I had a wicked time this weekend. You're more than welcome to visit anytime! Even though you have no time. You get what I'm saying.
My pants are huge.
At February 17, 2007 2:59 AM,
ChaoticEggplantQueen said…
I better not be on there
I am le fat
At February 20, 2007 5:44 PM,
Pineapple Princess! said…
I'm sorry I was drunk and high! they convinced me to play roxanne (drink on the word roxanne in the song) and yeah.... I was still really happy to see you!!!!
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