Brianna wins 'em all

Is this the documentation of the adventures of the great and mysterious ( and often hilarious) Dr Smooth? Or just the incessant ramblings of the 19 year old drama queen Brianna Akins? only a true mastermind can decipher the truth!

Friday, June 24, 2005

This Afternoons Adventure

Today I had one mission, and one mission only: to procure myself a bathing suit, via the mall. I called up Mel, because she is always the best person to have with you when you are shopping, because she has enough good advice to be useful, but doesnt border on mother-like. Shopping with me, however, is not a very good time. Well, it is if Im just going to the mall to look around, and maybe buy something. But when I have something in mind, it is simply not fun. Not only do I have extremely high standards, but I also dont like talking to shopkeepers ( because I get really awkward) and I vary between being extraordinarily indesicive, to being an impulse buyer. So, because of all this, I'm glad Mel was there to help me out.

We went to every store imaginable to look for a bathing suit, but they were either ridiculously expensive, ridiculously hideous, or ridiculously small. There were some I liked that werent any of those things, but what I was looking for was a tank top, and like..boy short bottoms. Unfortunately, when things come in set they usually only have one of those two, and then the other half is either a bikini top, or a bikini bottom. Both of which are really gross on me, and I didnt want to wear. Eventually I settled on a tankini top from la Vie En Rose, and some black bottoms from Wal-Mart ( I am sooo stylish). I also bought a random halter top from Wal mart because it was 8 DOLLARS and I couldnt resist.

A lady who I think was an android gave us free knives. She was giving a demo on forever sharp knives, and she would ask questions to the audience, and even if no one answered, she would be like, thats GREAT! Rather like she was programmed.... anyways, we got free paring knives, and I gave mine to Mel so that she would have knives in her new apartment.

WE also said hi to all the people that were working, like Cora, Leah, and Rob. Oh, and saw Alleah and Sean and talked to them while we stopped for a bite to eat. We made Alleah go up to Rob ( who she has never met) and tell him he was sexy WHILE HE WAS WORKING, and he didnt get it until he looked up and saw me and Mel convulsing with laughter on the other side of the foodcourt. He may kill me the next time he sees me, but it was TOTALLY worth it.

I got home just a little while ago, and I wont be going out again until 8, because Glenn is having some people over to watch movies ( huzzah!)

Friday, June 17, 2005


There. Its done. My entire highschool career... is completely over. Its weird, I know I SHOULD feel something.. sad, nostalgic, excited, relieved? I dont know, I feel nothing. Its like, okay, today was just another day, and life will go on. Theres a party tonight, thats normal. The weekend's going to be fun, thats normal. Everything seems so normal. Although it isnt. Whether my brain chooses to accept it or not, something has CHANGED. My life can NEVER go back to the way its been for the past 12 years, which is pretty much all I can remember. It'll probably hit me sooner or later. The complete end of an era. Weird.

In other, more upbeat news... The Seussical casting was done, and I'm sour Kangaroo!!!! it is SOOO the part I wanted too! She is so awesome.. basically think of my personality, and then multiply it by ten, and put it in animal form. And oh yeah, get it to sing like Aretha Franklin. And then youve got Sour Kangaroo. Its my first lead EVER!!! i am soo excited for this summer! Basically all my friends got leads too, so it is going to be tres stellar.

Well, must go get ready for le party!

Monday, June 13, 2005

A ( Hopefully) Small Post on the Weekend

friday night, as most people know, I had some people over. It ended up being about 10, which is big enough to have a great time, without it being too big and noisy. I hope everyone had a fun time, I know I did! We were typical us, playing theatre games, and mind games, drinking pop and being kids. Most people left around 1-1:30, except for the few that slept over.

Saturday Mel and Laura were over to practice for choir testing on Tuesday. Alleah was supposed to come too, so that we could do Mr Sandman, but she never showed up. Just like she never showed up to my party the night before. Oh well, the three of us are going to do Blue Moon instead, and Alleah will just have to come up with her own performance.
They didnt leave til about 5, which gave me an hour to get ready to go tho the show that night.

Stephen picked me up at 6, and we went to Dover to see Festival. He payed for my ticket because I had no money, which I felt kind of bad about. The plays were awesome though! The ones we saw were: WElcome to the Moon, Andrea Has two Boyfriends, Nobody Sleeps, and Deliver Us Not. Welcome to the moon was largely confusing, and a lot of the time I was like, What the deuce? Andrea has Two Boyfriends was absolutely stunning, and I was shocked at the calibre of acting. Glenn made me cry like 4 times, and Megs was amazing.. Nobody Sleeps was okay, and Deliver Us Not was simply hysterical. tres, tres awesome.
After the play, Stephen came back to my house so I could help him with his audition song a bit. I think he was a lot better by the end, which is cool.

Sunday he picked me up again ( in the morning) So we could go to the auditions. I was only going to go for a couple hours to hang out with people, but Mr A kidnapped me and told me to evaluate the singers capability and ranges and stuff, which was pretty cool. Slightly tedious, but he's considering my suggestions when he casts, which is totally worth it. It was really hard not to be biased towards my friends though.

Thats about it I guess... I didnt get to sleep last night until like, 3, because a few things kept running around in my brain, and it refused to shut off...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

My Dreams From Last Night

Okay, last night I had the weirdest series of dreams ive had in a while. I think they all may be connected somehow... but I dont know.

First off, I had a dream that I was getting married. Dont ask to who, because I dont really know. I think he was a guy that doesnt actually exist, but he existed in my head. So I'm going to get married, and I'm wearing a wedding dress, getting ready to walk down the aisle. i think I must have loved the guy, because I was really nervous/excited, and I probably would have been dreading it if I didnt really know him. So my bridesmaids come up to me, and asked me if I was nervous. Which I was. My bridesmaids, if you are curious, were Alleah, Laura, and Mel, and they were all wearing these really gorgeous dresses that werent really bridesmaids dresses. They had long flowy, deep purple skirts, and black strapless tops, which were kind of corset like... They had those strips of fabric on the front, and tied up at the back. Very pretty. Anyways, one of the bridesmaids ( or all, they may have spoken as one) brought it to my attention that I wasnt wearing any shoes. But I was like, it doesnt matter, the wedding is about to start. So they sat down, and I started wlaking down the aisle. But not slowly, and to the beat like you are supposed to, I just kind of sauntered down. And the band didnt notice, so they were late coming in playing music. When I got to the front, there was my hoooot fiance waiting for me. I think he was in his 20's, but I cant be sure. So then the priest guy says some stuff, and then we were like, we are OUTTA there. But then i realized the priest missed a lot of stuff. So he said, oh yeah, kiss her, and youre married. So thats what we did. And then we went to this party where we mingled with all of our married friends, and opened presents ( which were mostly toasters)

And then this led into my second dream, which I wasnt actually in, but was watching. My new husband, who worked in the mountains doing something important, was coming home, and was driving through a really long tunnel when an avalanche blocked both ways out. A whole bunch of other people were stuck in the tunnel too, and it turned out to be kind of like a maze, and they found what can only be described as a broken down McDonalds. The only thing there was to eat was freeze dried fries, and it was really cold, and I actually have no idea if they survived. Im pretty sure my husband died, because the next thing I know, I was at Lauras house.

In this part of the dream, Lauras house had magnified to really large proportions, and the coffee table in her living room was like one of those 16 person dining tables you see in castles. In fact, we may have all been in a castle. Anyways, a bunch of people were there, and I was like, my husband just died. So Shane popped up and was like, thats no fun! lets play a game! SO he gave us all scripts and told us to find a partner and act it out. Sam Steele was there for some reason, and acted it outwith someone else, I dont remember who, but she really sucked. Then Stephen grabbed my hand and was like, come on, lets do it! So we acted out this scene, and then Shane yelled "Bravo! you both get the parts!" even though we werent actually auditioning for anything.

Then, lastly, I had this really obscure dream that has nothing to do with any of the aforementioned dreams.

I was walking around this road with impossibly green bushes on either side. And I stopped and looked at the bushes/trees for a while. Then, I realized, while I could look to my right, or to my left, my eyes would automatically be averted from what i was staring at. I thought this was really weird, so I concentrated as hard as possible on that one area. I concentrated so hard that the bushes simply..parted, and i could walk through. They closed behind me, but I barely noticed because I was too busy staring at what was in front of me. Basically I was in this ENORMOUS field, that was surrounded on all sides by trees. COmpletely closed in. And directly in front of me, was Noahs Ark. Not even kidding. It was so huge. Like, If I was an ant, it was a golden retriever, it was so big. And I could see animals all over it, wandering around. And then this giant robot creature walked up. I dont know if any of you guys have seen the Gumby Movie, but if you have, you know the red blockheads in it? Thats kind of what this thing looked like, except it wasnt red, it was a bunch of colors, and it obviously had a mouth and teeth. This creature was easily the same height as the ark, so I was a little afraid of it. And for some reason, it was attacking the ark, and all the citizens of this place came running up and was like, you have to save the ark! its our pride and joy! And the only way to beat the monster, was to beat his basketball team. But before I did that, I had to get away from the creature itself, So one of the people gave me their dune buggy and I drove across the field to where the basketball court was. I picked my team, ( James Greenaway, Dayna Jones, and Alleah) and we started to play. We were doing fairly well, but then Alleah came up to me, jumped on my back, and then stole the ball. I was like, Alleah! Youre on MY team! And she said, "oh, im sorry, I didnt know the rules." So I kicked her off the team, and then we ended up winning because in my dream I was fabulous at basketball. Then all of a sudden this giant truck just appeared, with an electricity tower on it, and a bunch of SWAT-like people all in white ( kind of like the ghostbusters) dropped from above and yelled "He's weak! lets get him!" So somehow they managed to subdue the monster. And then the film crew from my school showed up and were like, wow, we got it all on camera. We're going to put it in the grad video.

And then my alarm rang and I got up. Isnt that INSANE?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Do you ever have one of those weeks of extremes, where everything is eiher really really good, or really bad?? OKay, let me start a while back, perhaps last Wednesday. We had our end of the year choir concert, which was a fantastic night! the choir sounded magnificent, and we got a standing ovation, and I mean, we all had fun. Which is what really counts, right? A bunch of my friends came, which I really appreciated, because I know choir can be really boring to some people. Laura said a little speech about mrs Sinclair being awesome, and then started to almost-cry, and we sang our finale.. After the concert, a bunch of us went to Dairy Queen and hung out for a while, which was cool too.

then not much happened until Friday after school. I was supposed to be burning my Blackout DVD's for the screening party which was THAT NIGHT, but some gods must have been against me that day. I spent four hours, and ten bucks worth of DVD"S trying to make the stupid thing, and it didnt work! I was so frusturated and disappointed! And I kept thinking that all my friends would be really disappointed and not want to go to Lauras.. however, my day wuickly brightened when I actually GOT to Lauras, and my friends appeared! They all assured me that it was cool about the video, and they could all see it later, and that any excuse to hang out was a good one. We had an excellent friday night. We chatted for a long time, and played Romance, and I Never, and then talked some more. Great fun! Laura was really pleased because she rarely hangs otu with Stefanie, glenn, Cora, MArtha, etc, but really likes them.

Saturday was dull for the most part until I picked up Laura at 6 and went to Stephens for his birthday party. Im still sore today from all the bruises I acquired that night! Maybe I shyould explain that.. :P Because I was with a bunch of boys, I couldnt help doing boyish things. All the other girls were on the grass being weenies, while I played volleyball, and roughhoused. Actually, with the exception of Kate, who was tackling right along with me.

Highlights of the party:

  • Wrestling with Tim, because he actually tries, and we're on equal footing. Also it was funny when his shirt came undone
  • Watching five guys try to light a barbecue for ten minutes
  • watching Martha and kevin act like a married couple
  • being picked up by Rob like I weighed as much as a cat
  • Mocha icing on the cake!
  • hanging out with Stephens crowd, who I dont often see
  • Seeing Geoff dash out of the backyard away from girls
  • playing v-ball ( to the best of my ability, which isnt much)
  • singing Seussical songs after almost everyone had left

there was much more fun stuff, but thats the condensed version


Well, there was only really one, and that was kind of fun anyways

  • Being carried on Tims shoulders and thinking I was going to fall off and DIE.

Sunday was the day of Seussical auditions, which started out terrible, and ended up being an awesome day. In the morning, I couldnt sing at all, and I was freaking out. I dont know why, but my voice just wouldnt work properly! I was seriously considering not going, when Kevin drove up to pick me up. lame. But, I was glad I went later.

First off, only seven people showed up; Me, Kevin, NIcole, Mel, Laura, Rosie, and this girl named Wallis. This was cool, because it was a good atmosphere, knowing everyone and all. Me and KEvin got to do a scene with Mr and Mrs Mayor, which actually went really well, and was uber fun to perform. Then, it was time for my singing audition, which I was less than psyched about.

I was singing The One feather Tail of Gertrude McFuzz, and I started normally, just singing. Then Mr A was like, stop. JUst stop. So I did. Then he said, now sing as Gertrude. So I did as good a job as I could of acting like Gertrude. Then he made me do it as a monologue, which was really tough, as I have never actually done a monologue before, especially spur of the moment. Then he got up, rummaged around for a while, found a phone prop, and unplugged a cord. Then he tied the cord to my pants, and handed it to me syaing "this is your tail, now sing it again".

So I got really into it. I swung it around mournfully, and at appropritate times, played with it, looked at with disdain, and at the climax of the song, tossed it aside, klicked it a few times, and scuffed my foot on the floor in true Gertrude style. Mr A said he was really impressed, sp I was pleased with myself.

After that we all hung around chatting and doing a lot of nothing while waiting for Laura M to get there for the dance audition.

Sunday night I went to dinner and the movies with my mom, and saw the Longest yard, which was suprisingly funny.

"He's so fast, he makes fast people look...not fast."

Yesterday kind of sucked. Maybe i was just in an emo mood, but everything seemed to suck more than it should have. Like the four part harmony stuff at gators. ARG. I was so frusturated. When I cant learn a part that I know isnt hard I freak out, and throw things. Its stupid, I know, but I just cant help it. Oh well, today was better. ( but still dull)

Only 7 days of school left!

listening to: Seussical music ( surprised?)

thinking about: the summer, and how excited I am.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

this is ridiculously accurate

Your Expression Number is 9
An idealist and humanitarian, you strive to make the world a better place.You do your best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion.Deep down, you dream of being loved by many.
You are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others.While you are very ambitious, you never lose site of perspective.You have an abundance of creative talents... you just need to tap into them.
Although you are a giving person, you can become selfish if you are ignored.If you are not able to help people, you tend to shelf your talents.Without others, you become aloof and start to lack sensitivity.
Your Seduction Style: The Charismatic
You're beyond seductive, you're downright magnetic!You life live and approach seduction on a grand scale.You have an inner self confidence and energy that most people lackIt's these talents that make you seem extraordinary - and you truly are!

What Is Your Seduction Style?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005