Brianna wins 'em all

Is this the documentation of the adventures of the great and mysterious ( and often hilarious) Dr Smooth? Or just the incessant ramblings of the 19 year old drama queen Brianna Akins? only a true mastermind can decipher the truth!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Life= looking up! had a good day today. The morning was ultra slow, but picked up speed later on. I went to Dover, and got to talk with all the people i miss a lot, which was really nice. After that i hung out with Tim for a while, which was great, because i miss tlaking to just him. I mean, i love Laura and all, her being my best friend, but sometimes its cool to talk to Tim without her hanging around ( and obviously Gator, i mean this as no insult).
So me and Tim walked to Starbucks and had frappucinos ( mine was raspberry, his orange) which were delicious, and then wandered aimlessly around the mall until we decided it was time to go and I walked to his house and then went to the bus stop. Our conversations were varied, but we were mainly on the topic of being cruel and manipulative, but having people still love us. Most excellent, if I do say so myself.

I was home late, unfortunately, and my mom was less than pleased, but i didnt get into trouble. A year ago my mom would have freaked if i had gone somewhere after school and not told her. I like being older. Although I dont like the fact that i'll have to switch gears into the "real world" in just a few months...

eeep, off of that dismal subject! this weekend looks promising! Party at Marthas on Saturday and Oscar watching party on Sunday ( place still to be determined). Still no Friday night plans, but im sure that wont last long. I reall should do something with the G-boys, but i think Gareth is somewhat indisposed ;)

aaaanyway, thats all for now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

So things are kind of sucking for me right about now, but I wont bore you with details. Just accept the fact that if you say something mean to me I may punch you in the face.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Its a new dawn, its a new day, its a new life for me...and im feeling good.

So, havent posted since Monday because my life is ultra boring and school bites. Seriously, nothing interesting ever happens at school. In art i get embarrassed because my teacher shows everyone my art all the time because im ahead of everyone. You would think i would be all flattered with something like that, being who I am, but i am almost becoming slightly shy! or at least modest. Is that not weird? anyways, film and Tv is way more boring than expected because we did about 8 million frames of storyboarding, which is like, pseudo drawing. English is also tres dull, and yet also weird because Lawrie, Chris, and Alleah like to talk about sex at the top of their lungs, which is fairly disturbing to me.

other than that, the only thing that happened to me all week was going to the movies last night. Me, Stephen, and Tim went to see Hitch, which turned out ot be suprisingly funny. The movied ended around 9:30, and then we went to Starbucks and talked until 11, when it closed, so we wandered over to Tim Hortons until 12, when Tim was half asleep, so Stephen drove us home. I realize that the trip doesnt sound as fun as it was, but whatever.

So today im supposed to hang out with some people, but I of course have to make the calls and make sure everyone knows whats what.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Its that Time of the Year Again

And here I am, no hot date planned for tonight, like some people I know. And I didnt hook up at a certain party on Saturday, like some OTHER people I know. Not that im complaining or anything, i mean, come on, MEL is coming over. Who needs a boyfriend when youve got Mel, right? :P
I nearly forgot it was valentines actually. I mean, I KNEW but I guess i'm slightly preoccupied. I was pleasantly suprised this morning, however, when my mom brought me a box of lindt..or lindor I cant remember, chocolates. I sure wasnt expecting anything. Although, i guess I get something every year, i just forgot.
it seems like this year has already gone by in a blur. Sooner than I think this semester will be over and everyone will be going to their new school somewhere far away, leaving me behind. Its bad enough that my best friends might be away from me, but theres also a lot of people i met just this year and ive barely gotten to know them. Definitely not as much as I would like to, anyway.
I'm not sure why all this is hitting me right now. I guess on Valentines Day im thinking about all kinds of relationships, not just romantic ones. Actually, that makes sense, because i was thinking about my dad a little while ago, and now im thinking about my friends... this is sad.

Now where on earth have all these nice feelings come from? Where is the jerkface you have all come to know and love?? It seems that ive changed a little bit, which is odd. Usually my brain doesnt do that without my consent.

well, ending this post on a different note, I hope everyone gets all the love they deserve this valentines Day!

Lots of love,


Sunday, February 13, 2005

Down With Love

Or rather, not so Down With Love. That was the supposed name of the party last night, but I dont think there was anyone there not feeling the love :P It was funny, i was not my usual mean, sarcastic self! Even when Tim said something sappy and [usually] gross to laura, I was like, aww, you guys are so cute. And then, of course, a look of horror spread across my face as I came to realize that i have become couple-friendly. Dear Lord. The world is obviously coming to an end.

So the party was fantastic. I'd say about 50 people showed up, but a lot of the doverites didnt come for some reason. I have nothing specific to say abotu the p-tay I guess... a lot of us got up and danced, namely ME and we all talked, laughed, hung out. It was great fun. And yes, much to my chagrin, we played Spin the Bottle, a game ive decided is sooo 14.

the party generally ended at 1 ish, but some people were there until about 2, and then the people who were staying over pretty much just went to bed, where I was cold because Laura is a blanket hog.

so thats about all the news for now...

Happy almost Valentines day everyone.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Hey, i found this deep in the recesses of my blog, and thought i would post it again, because I like it.

Reasons why life should be like in the movies:

1) Happy Endings. Seriously, even when someone DIES everyone is still all happy because they learned some sort of lesson from it.
2) Everybody is good looking. Gorgeous people are everywhere. Even the supposed "ugly"people just have bad hair or something.
3) Good things always happen to good people. As long as you feed stray animals, open the door for seniors, and dont try to destroy the world, you will prosper.
4) Guns never run out of ammo. You never need to buy bullets again! Because, as long as you keep firing, you will still have shots.
5) College is not hard. All university is is one big giant toga party, with drinking and promiscuous sex. There is no need to study, you will still get straight A's.
6) There is a good chance that you are actually royalty, and will come into your inheritance soon.
7)You can instantly fall head over heels, madly in love with someone, and they are probably also in love with you.
8) You could have your own personal soundtrack. Every major event would have its own song.
9) Evil people get their comeuppance. Got an enemy? yeah, dont worry, they'll be dead soon.
10) Superheroes! If you get into some sticky business, Spiderman will surely come and save you.
11) Everybody knows all the same dances, and if you randomly belt out a song in the middle of homeroom, all of your classmates will back you up.
12) Perfect Movie Kisses. Okay, so youre thinking of kissing someone. Dont worry, its totally cool. Some fireworks will go off, or a fountain will start, and a really romantic song will start playing, so you can know that youre in like flynn baby!
13) Embarrasing moments. Oh man, did your mom show your boyfriend those baby pictures? Did you trip in front of the whole school and spill apple juice on your pants so it looks like you peed yourself? No prob! Remember, the director is your friend and you can just redo the whole scene!
14) Horror MOvies- do you have the sneaking suspicion that theres an insane murderer on the loose? its fine, just dont have sex or get in the shower, and you'll be safe and sound.
Also, they will always walk if theyre trying to murder you, so it should be easy for you to make your getaway.

anyways, thats all I have for now. If you have any brilliant ideas, comment, and I'll add them.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Moderate
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Moderate
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Moderate

Take the Dante's" Inferno Hell Test

this is fairly amusing because, well, its me.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

My week in a Nutshell: Part 2

This is merely a continuation of the previous post.


Friday morning i was still at Lauras and i got up early-ish ( 9:30) because the futon was uncomfortable, and then hung around the room reading random stuff until she woke up, which was around 10. We looked over the Shakespeare in the box thing for a few minutes, and I got to be the director! w00t! this meant I got to do the casting, which excited me muchly. We were doing the Taming of the Shrew and the casting was as follows:

Petruchio: "cocky and charismatic" -Tim
Hortensio: "the best friend type" - Stephen
Lucentio: "good looking and bland" - Gareth (ahahaha)
Kate: " Smart and whatnot"- Laura
Bianca: "the Bratty sister" - Martha
Gremio: " the old man" - Rosie
Widow: "lusty widow"- also Rose
Tranio: "snobbish servant" - also Stephen
Grumio: "wacky servant" - me
servant: "upsetty mcfreakout" - Spencer
Baptista: " favorites playing father" - Mel

But nobody got to know about their casting until later that night, teehee.

Then, later, I went home and was kind of mad abotu my hair being so gross, so I went back to the mall but with Geoff this time and bought some more dye, and then he bought Prince of persia for his PS2, and a memory card, and then i persuaded him to come to Tsarbucks with me, which was delicious, by the way.

after that, but not directly, i went to Lauras house and met up with her and Mel so that we could redo my hair, which we did, and it looks most excellent. After that we set up for the SHAKESPEARE PART-AY!!

it turned out to be stellar fun. the play was so funny, even though we are quite terrible, and we all had a blast! i remember killing myself laughing on more than one occasion, thats for sure. Also, the roles i picked for everyone were absolutely bang on, because I rock so hard.

after that we played games like "I never" and the other one with no name.... which were pretty funny, and everyone heard new things about each other. Some shocking things... hahaha, oh well.
And then we played Truth or Dare, which I was much less fond of... *cough*

Aaaanyways, I ended up catching a ride home with Martha at 12, and was sad to leave.


Saturday my mom left me some money so that I could take the bus to Tims place, and also get him a present, which wasnt expected, but appreciated. i walked down to the mall ( three days in a row, how gross) after i burned the Phantom CDS for Tim, and then also bought him a Rufus Wainwright CD, because he didnt have any. I got a card too, which had a picture of a scary clown eating a hot dog on the front and inside it said "there are six things wrong with this picture, can you find them??" I thought it was pretty funny. So, then around quarter to four I took the bus to Tims place.
When I was there they made me do the most dorkiest thing on the ENTIRE PLANET.... i dont even want to type it..... DUngeons and Dragons. But dont worry, I lauged and mocked it to no end. But, it actually turned out to be kind of fun. Especially because for about 4 hours i had a watergun that Stephen gave to Tim for his birthday and kept spraying people if they said somethign that was lame. It still didnt get old after 4 hours, either.

So, after playing that, and eating pizza, we all just hung out, chatted, and listened to music. It was actually a really great time. I ended up leaving around 12:30, and I was sad, because I rarely get to hang out with that group... but im pretty sure they are all coming to the Down With Love party next week, so its cool.


Boring boring boring for a while, and then mel and geoff came over to play monopoly, and then we watched Super Mario brothers, which was the epitome of horrendous. And then they left.


My week in a Nutshell PART 1

I dont why i always do this to myself. Dont post forever and then have to do a monster post, I mean. And by MOnster, i'm talking normal people standards, not like, Alleah standards. Anyways, I had a most excellent week, and shall detail it to you here.


Monday morning i'm sure I just slept in and was boring for a while, because that is generally what my mornings consist of. In fact, I dont think i did much of anything until 6, when my mom drove me over to SPencers house to sleep over, because we hadnt hung out in forever and a day ( or November) . I had dinner there, which was an odd affair, let me tell you, because none of them speak... I always feel so out of place that I get really nervous and start telling a bunch of random stories that arent relevant to anything, just so I can get them tlaking and laughing. Which usually works, actually. Anyways, so im pretty sure her mom hates me because it definitely seems that way.
Then after dinner we went downstairs to watch the WORST MOVIE EVER MADE, "sleepover", which was a bunch of grade eight girls who had this scavenger hunt against "popular girls" for the good lunch spot at the highschool next year. And, of course, the popular guy she had a crush on ended up liking her too. Boooooo. Like that would ever happen in real life.
Then we watched the Girl Next Door, which wasnt bad. At least the guy was cute. hmm.. and then we watched A Cinderella Story, which was also craptastic. Oh well.
Then once the movie watching was over, we went to bed, and talked about random girly stuff that I wont get into.


I went home from Spencers around 11, and then hung around all day until I went to the movies with Geoff, Grace, Martha, and Gareth. ( the fifth-wheeledness was all my fault, because i invited martha, and then unthinkingly invited gareth) But that doesnt matter because it was fun anyways. we went to see PHANTOM OF THE OPERA which was just as amazing that third time! ( im so ashamed...) But hey, at least I didnt cry this time.

SO after the movie, We went to Starbucks for a little while, drank some coffee, and also had coffee spat all over us by Gareth, who is gross, and cant hold in liquid when something is funny.

After that Geoff drove Grace home, and then was going to drive me and gareth home when he went entirely INSANE and started swerving on the road and laughing maniacally, and generally being weird and crazy. It was really hysterical, but also kinda freaked me out.

Anyways, he immediately decided we needed to go on a candy run. The reason behind this completely eluded me, because he seemes hyper already. Despite this, we went to 7 eleven and bought 8 dollars worth of candy, and then he drove us home. utterly random, I know.


I woke up bright and early ( and in a bad mood) because I had to go write by bio provincial that morning, which ended up being the hardes test Ive ever had to write. I dont know know if I just didnt know the stuff, or if Im stupid, or if it was actually as hard as I think it was. Either way, i dont think I did very well. On the multiple choice at least, the written wasnt bad.
Later that day I decided it was abotu time to dye my hair again, so I looked around for my green punky color, but COULDNT FIND IT ANYWHERE! Needless to say, I was dismayed. SO then Gareth said If I would go to ther mall with him, he would spot me five bucks to go with my 10 so I could buy the dye. But, instead, i bought lagoon blue, because I am just that cool.

And then, for some unknown reason, we went for a walk which lasted abotu 2 hours, just completely at random. And then I went home.
I tried to streak my hair with the blue but it didnt really show up, which made me sad.

At 7 Alleah came over and we ate pizza and watched the Grudge, which ended up freaking me out to no end because i am the biggest scaredy cat that ever lived. Then we wtahced the choir DVD from last year, and made fun of everyone and laughed our asses off, which was pretty fun. Around 10:30, she went home, and I went to bed.


I went to Lauras house for the Collective sleepover!! yaaay. Well, because, my blue streaks didnt show up, we decided instead of streaks, we would simply bleach my entire head blonde, and then color it with the leftover blue.

I could tell something was already wrong when the blonde came out all patchy and weird, and i looked like a spotted dog.

And then, joy of joys, there was not enough blue to make my hair look actually blue, so it was a sickly green color. I was devastated. So we spent the rest of the night NOT worrying about it, and instead, reasing cosmo and being girls.

Okay, this is already getting long, so I shall write about Friday and Saturday later tonight.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


So, as you can plainly see, i have made many links of my friends/ aquaintances. If anyone who read a my blog isnt on their, just leave an angry comment, and i will attempt to remedy that.

Also, if you slide your mouse over the names, you will see a little blurb of stuff.