Brianna wins 'em all

Is this the documentation of the adventures of the great and mysterious ( and often hilarious) Dr Smooth? Or just the incessant ramblings of the 19 year old drama queen Brianna Akins? only a true mastermind can decipher the truth!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

So here im going to write a list of all the stuff me and barbara will need to move out in May. SOme of this stuff we already have though. And please feel free to add anything yo uthink we'll need:

frying pan
toliet brush
shower curtain
electric mixer
cookware (ie; spatula, wooden spoons, flipper)
sharp knives
garbage can cleaning supplies
measuring cups
S&P shakers
tv stand

im sure thereare lots more, but i cant think right now

Hot Date

Soo.. friday was my day off!! I was so relieved, because it felt like I hadnt had one off in forever!! ( in reality, since Tuesday) but I still havent gotten a good nights sleep in a while. But yeah, I woke up on friday to a crappy morning. My mom freaked out at me because the computers sound wont work, and apparently this is all my fault. Whatever. So she yelled at me for a while, and basically she said she hated me living here and all.. so I got really mad and was like, well you dont have to worry abotu that much longer, cause im moving out in May!!


That did not go over exactly as planned.

Well, she freakd out even more, and then listed off all the reasons why it wouldnt work. Hellloooo only makes me want to go more!!! So then I got mad, and left with Jen and Dave to go visit sickie Ryan. He actually really appreciated the visit, so that was nice. And then we got to talk to Rob on wbcam, which we havent done since Thanksgiving! After that we went to see underworld 2, which was pretty decent, but I was so ridiculously tired I nearly fell asleep, and then just got Jen to drive me home after that, thinking I would just go to bed. However, at around 8 I was getting a second wind, and felt like going out again!! So I ended up going with Geoff to the Mal theatres Hot Date, which was spiffing up and going to dinner at MGM!

I found out neither Amber nor Alleah were going, which weirded me out a little, because other than Geoff they were the only ones i knew, even though i hardly even know Amber at all. So I called Barbara and made her come, whcih turned otu to be a good idea cause she had fun, and I had someone else to talk to, and we made a list of all the stuff we would need to move out!! ( waaaay more fun than it sounds). So dinner was a good time, and dressing up is ALWAYS fun.. We ended up all carousing and leaving around 12:30, and who should walk in just as we were leaving? Mr. Last Friday Night.


Actually, i saw him, and then kind of just didnt acknowledge his presence. He might not have even realized it was me. I mean, since then ive cut and dyed my hair, and I was also dressed up a lot. Anyways, either way, I didnt have to say anything to him, so that was cool. But really unexpected. I mean, if I thought there were going to be any awkward meetings there i figured it would have been Mr Saturday Night. THAT would have made sense. Although it would have been kind of hilarious if they were both there.

Around 12:30 we all left, and Geoff drove me home. Just as he was pulling up in my driveway, a truck pulled up as well, carting my tres drunk mother!! I was like, what the deuce mom? so she stumbles up the driveway with this random guy, and we had to walk to the door together. Talk about uncomfortable silence. So we went in, and I ran into my room and closed the door. My mom said all they did was talk and drink tea. Whatever.

Yesterday all I did was work, for NINE HOURS. Me and Logan had to stay super late because the day was so busy, we had no time to close. sooo lame. But then after I went with Dave, Jen, Ryan, Leah, Geoff, and Marcus to Earls, and to Daves house which was pretty fun. I would have had more fun if I didnt have crazy stabbing pains shooting through my sides!!!

aaaanyways, now i have to go to work again. Great weekend :S

Friday, February 17, 2006

This Week So Far

oooookay.. So Monday I went to work. I am so seriously starting to loathe and despise that job. Like, when I worked at Naturalizer I would wake up and be all, oh, lame, work. But now my head comes up with every conceivable idea of how to get otu of going to Subway! I totally should have listened when everybody told me not to work there, but anybody who knows me at all knows I usually do the opposite of what people say, cause im just that much of a stubborn ass.
Anyways, work was all right ,and I closed with Logan ( we usually cheat so things go by much faster) and we actually managed to get out of there at 6:30, highly unusual!! After work I met up with Mel, and we bussed over to Lauras house for our girly sleepover!! We seriously haventy had one of those in forever and a day, i dont know, cause we're all too busy or something. SO we hung around, gossipped, ate pineapple, and tried to learn Johnny Angel in SSA, but got bored of that quickly ( too many sha da da dums for their liking, I guess). Then Alleah showed up so we had to go over all the gossip again, good times. Then we fell asleep at like, 2, cause we are such lamers now.

Tuesday I got up and went to Country Club with Mel, so that she could get herself some bubble tea, and I could get myself a last minute haircut! And then on a whim ( cause im just like that) i decided to dye it dark brown as well. The color looked really good ( although too much like my mothers :S ) and the style was basically the same, but she poofed it up like a crazy person, and i was like gaaaah im ruined!! but I went home and just brushed it down slightly and it looked pretty decent.

Then, at 5:30, Stephen came to pick me up to go out for dinner! I totally fancied myself up with my other new dress, and my pretty white shoes!! Turns out he made reservations at Blue Ginger, this Japanese place. Now, im not usually too fond of Asian food, i am much more of a burger and fries type of girl, but it turned out to be a suuuper yummy dinner!! I of course had to feed half of it to my human garbage disposal, but it was delicious all the same! So after dinner we went to his house and watched the movies I had picked out, JUst Like Heaven ( because I am asucker for romantic comedies) and Proof ( cause he is a sucker for math :P) and then after the movies we just stayed on the couch talking til 1:30 in the morning. It was so nice to just stay at his house late talking, like the old days back in the summer. I totally miss those days..

anyways, i had to get up the next day for work, joy. But after work I went down to Malaspina to meet up wit hAlleah after Oresteia rehearsal, and me, her, Amber, and kaitlyn went back to Alleahs house to gorge ourselves on pizza and gossip ourselves silly. Im seriously so jazzed about making friends with the Mal theatres, because they are just everything i used to be, and everything ive missed out on in the last six months, when I turned into a mall crawling yuppie NORMAL!!!! SO the four of us sang a lot, cause thats what we do, and then froze ourselves into theatresicles when we went to bed, cause Alleahs house is so damn cold!!

The next morning I had to go to work, and they had to go to school, so we got up and bussed and bussed and bussed! While doing so, me and Alleah made plans to move out in the Spring!! I am so excited, its not even funny. I NEED to move out so badly. I need to get out of this stupid little rut im in, where im not quite grown up, but im not allowed to still be a kid, its so lame. So, Im going to move out into my own place, get away from my family's negativity, and next year i think I might take some classes at Mal. So, goals are SET, which always makes me happy! I love having something to work towards.

So that was this morning, and then tonight I was going to go do karaoke at the gay bar with the Mals, but Alleah wasnt planning on going, and I thought it would be kind of weird if I just showed up. So instead I went to the gym with Jen, and then we went to Tim Hortons with Dave and Brendan for a while, which was nice.

and now, im going to go to bed, because I havent gotten a good nights sleep in a ridiculously long time!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Its About Time

I was thinking that maybe I should start writing in this old blog again. I dont really know why, but I really liked this one before..

Anyways, I had a tres tres crazy weekend.. Friday night was Tims birthday party, and I arrived with Jen and Dave, excessive amounts of booze in tow. I wasnt actually planning on drinking much that night, because I was only going to stay until 9:30 or so, until some of the libratorbs went to Megans house. SO we got there at 7, but it turned out the party didnt ACTUALLY start until 8.. my bad. But it didnt matter cause there were already people there anyways.

I, however, was the first one to start drinking. ( why does that always happen??) SO by the time other people arrived I was already a little past tipsy! I got to meet all of Tim and Lauras weird philosophy MalU friends, which was cool! It was so weird that Laura has made friends without me :S So I met this one guy Chris there, who started drinking as soon as he got there. We were chatting about something in the kitchen, and he was like, let me give you a back massage. This, for the record, was the best massage ive ever gotten in my LIFE! and it included a head rub which everybody knows im a total sucker for. This lasted for a while, and the entire time he was giving me his scotch.. so needless to say, as cheap as I am, I was fairly drunk.
Then, I turned around to say something, and shock of shocks, he kisses me! and at first I was like, what the deuce? but then it was kind of like, oh, okay, well.. okay! So that went on for a lot of the night, on and off. I felt kind of weird though because no one else was as drunk as us, and no one else was randomly making out in the kitchen either!
Around 1:30 though, Jen came back to the party to drive me home, which was probably for the best, as I had to get SOME sleep, so I could have stamina for Saturday!!

So I got up, slightly hungover.. Which is saying something, because ive never really been hungover in my life! I tried to eat kraft dinner, but was just like..urrrrg no food. And then Jen and Dave came to pick me up to go watch Megan and Mike play badminton ( cutest couple EVER) and then we went early to Alleahs p-tay!
Now THIS party was even crazier than the night before! I met all of Alleahs nutso awesome theatre Mal friends! They remind me so much of myself, its eerie! anyways, lots of people showed up, and there was a LOT of drinking, dancing, and making out. Also lots of sex in bedrooms, haha. I met this guy JC, who somehow I ended up making out hardcore with in the kitchen ( what is it with me and kitchens??) and then fooling around with in the futon room. That was all fine and good until stephen just turned weird, and basically stole the bed I was in just so JC couldnt come back and sleep ( literal, actual sleep) with me. And he kept trying to take me away from the rest of the crowd to sit, which I didnt want to do at all! He was being soo weird! I mean, it appeared like he was jealous, but what the hell would he be jealous of? maybe he was just being protective though, hes like that. In the morning, JC came in to see if I was doing okay, and Stephen kind of snapped at him. Which is realllly unsual for him. I dont think ive ever heard Stephen even slightly mad since ive known him! But I guess it was just the night for doing out of character things. I mean, since when do I become a drunken skank?? Anyways, the morning with JC was kind of awkward, but whatever. I didnt regret doing anything.
Ugh, I got up so early today.. and hung out with all the waking up hungover people for a while. Me and Alleah threw a chair over the deck.. i dont really remember why.. and then I went home so I could change and get to work. Work was like HELL today! I was so disoriented and sick! Oh well, I wont be doing THAT again!!

SO yeah, thats the end to my craazy weekend! I hope the MalU theatres invite me out to their parties now!