Brianna wins 'em all

Is this the documentation of the adventures of the great and mysterious ( and often hilarious) Dr Smooth? Or just the incessant ramblings of the 19 year old drama queen Brianna Akins? only a true mastermind can decipher the truth!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

the Highs and Lows

1) My Vancouver/ Seattle trip? Amazing.

2) Worst christmas ever.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Concerts and Madlibs

Well ive had an interesting couple of days since I last posted.

Wednesday my dad came to town. I had been looking forward to that, until he made it all complicated, and completely disappointed me. Let me explain; usually sometime in the summer I go to Powell River to stay with my dad and stepmom for a few days, but this summer I couldnt really, because I needed all the shifts I could snag at coyotes. Also, everytime my dad has come to Nanaimo he only stays for a couple hours, because of the lame ferry system to Powell River. SO, this past August I asked my dad if he would like to come here, and stay overnight at my place. He seemed genuinely surprised and pleased at this offer, and we agreed on a weekend good for both of us. As days went by, and it got nearer to when he was supposed to be here, I got worried that he hadnt called, so I called him, and he was like, oh, weve already taken the ferry a bunch of times this month, so we arent going to come.


So that was really lame, but he said he would come in November or something. Allright, thats cool. Well November came, and I was really ridiculously busy, working 30 hours a week, going to school, making props, being at the show every night, going to all the parties, and trying to keep up with my different groups of friends.. it was madness. So I said, why dont you come on December 6th instead, that way you can see my choir concert! ( he was never heard me sing) so he said, is that a weekend? but no, tis a wednesday. So he said, Great. because weekends really arent good for us. Again the day he was supposed to visit draws near, and I get antsy cause I havent heard from him, so I call to confirm.

He says, oh. yeah. Fridays arent good for me.


Seriously, wtf dad?? SO anwyays, he says he'll come, but only til like 6. Which means he would be missing my concert. He will be missing his daughter sing on stage, yet again. And its not like there havent been plenty of opportunities! BUt okay, hes still coming, i can still show him what my life is like. December 6th arrives, and with it, so do my father and stepmother, around 11:30. I didnt really have the day " planned out" but I had a few things I wanted to do with them, like show them where I work, walk around the harbour, show them the school, maybe do some shopping, I dont know. Maybe I just really wanted to do everyday stuff, to make it seem like I actually had some sort of real relationship with my dad.. anyways, so they show up, and tell me that theyre only staying til 1:00. 2 and a half hours. After I havent seen my dad for nearly a year. All we had time for was a quick present exchange, and a coffee at Coyotes, then they left.

So you know what? Im giving up. Im not going to try anymore. All it brings me is disappointment. If he wants to talk to me, he can call, if he wants to see me, he can come here. But thats it. im not going to waste my time, energy, and emotion on someone who so clearly does not care.

IN other news, the concert was spectacular! it was my new choirs first performance, btu we rocked anyways! We were the smallest choir there, but made up for it with total awesmity. WE got lots of applause and compliments after the show! Other than that, the concert was just fun anyways. The whole audince stands up in between choirs to sing christmas carols together. Its soo nice, and one of my absolute favorite nights of the whole year!

Thursday I worked in the morning, and then Jill, NIkki, and Lisa came over to get some hardcore studying done for our Theatre History exam. After about an hour of goofing off and looking at pictures, we finally managed to get our notes otu and look at them. ALl in all, it took us about 45 minutes to get through the entire semesters worth of information. How sad is that? Oh well, at least i didnt have to worry about it anymore. So by then it was around 5, and Nikki had to go home, but Lisa and Jill decided they would hang out with me that night and watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Also, Tasia was going to come over to watch it with us too. Well... after a little while we got bored, and didnt want to watch the movie right away, so we decided to go to the mall ( this was a good idea, cause I reaaaally needed to get some flea collars for my cats) . So we went, i bought some shirts, we ate some subway, we took amusing pictures of ourselves, and eventually found ourselves in Chapters, where we wanted to buy some madlibs. Then, we ran into Nathan, who apparently works there. He said he was hanging out with Martha after work, and we said we were doing madlibs and watching POTC2. So we decided to combine these two events, and have Nathan and Martha over. And of course, this meant that we needed some brownies as well! So we decided to wait in Starbucks for Nathan to get off work, and amuse ourselves with Mad libs ( which we did) Then both Kylan and Gregoire called, saying, what are you guys doing tonight? So they decided they would come over as well. Then I called up tristan and was like, what are you doing tonight? So he came over too! So we had a huge fun filled evening with brownies, movies, madlibs, and What If? questions.

Friday I had the WHOLE DAY OFF which would have been super awesome if I didnt have to write an exam.. Although that went by not too badly. I know if I really tried I could have done better, but I just didnt care.
Then I had nothing to do until that night, when I went to the movies with Jen, Dave, Rob, and Ali. We went to see Apocalypto, which I guess was good... I dont know, it was hard to tell because i covered my eyes for like, half the show. Seriously, it was so gory. Needlessly so, even. and by the time the movie was over it was past midnight, so I just went home and SLEPT IN, it was so wondrous. I woke up on Saturday to my phone ringing ( at noon). It was Nadia, calling me to ask if I could come in any earlier than 4:30. And of course, being as nice as I am, I said yeah, I could come in at 2. Work was fairly uneventful; had a fun time closing with Noel. Then at 8 Allen picked me up to take me to the Satyr christmas party!!!
I had a pretty good time at the party, although a lot of people didnt show up, which was lame. It meant a lot of people didnt get their presents, and Eliza wasnt there to get hers from me! I got mine though! Spencer was my secret santa, and he got me a chinese takeout box filled with coffee beans and christamssy things! I was tres pleased. WE also played charades, and I discovered I am the best at playing charades, ever. Seriously. I could guess them before they even started acting. And me and Gregoire exercised our incredible mind meld powers! It was fabulous. I heart charades.

I didnt stay at the party too long, because I was tired from work, and I knew I had to go to work the next day.

Sunday at work was SO LAME. I was kind of in a bad mood for no reason, and everyone could totally tell. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay, which drove me crazy! Tristan ( who I was closing with) probably thought I was insane, because I totally wasnt talking to him, which is very unsusual. I felt pretty bad later, because I must have been the crappiest person to close with. PLus I found out today at work that Nancy said I was being "sluggish" and had to be told what to do, and so I sort of got into trouble. BY that I mean Nadia was like, hey Bri, dont do that, but still. I get so put out when I get chastised in any sort of way. Other than that though, work today was good, It was only four hours, and it went by quickly, and i certainly wasnt SLUGGISH! Graaaaar..
After work I raced home to try and clean up my place a bit before people came over for christmas crafts. That didnt work out too well. I got some mgus clean, and picked up a bit, but there are still tons of dishes in the sink, and my room is a disaster! And I didnt have time to clean up after crafts, so there is stuff everywhere.. and tomorrow JIll is supposed to be moving in. I feel bad, because she has to move into this messy house! Oh well... I have some time on Wednesday after the exam, and before my coyotes christmas aprty, so I'll do a huge scrub-a-dub then.

So thats about it for the past few days, but I have many exciting days ahead this week!

Also, my apartment is covered in paper chains and snowflakes.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

You know whats hard?

Letting go of someone when they wont let go of you.

Not that I ever wanted him to, but that was the way it was going to be, so I had to be okay with that.

Its just not fair when they tell you they deleted all your songs off their playlists because it makes them so melancholy. And its not fair when they still call you beautiful. And its not fair when they still find things that remind them of the two of you, and show you.

Apologies for the emo.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Not Your Usual YouTube Post...

Free Hugs!!

My best friend Stephen was part of this video, so of course I watched it, and Im glad I did. Its so cute, and heartwarming!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

And the Blog trend continues

I like singing. I like dancing around in my house when no ones there. I like movie moments. I like songs you would want to put in your personal soundtrack. I like musicals. I like happy endings. I like winter. I like snow. I like mittens. I like scarves. I like christmas. I like mistletoe. I like sledding. I like baking cookies. I like buying presents. I like Birthday cards. I like parties. I like one on one conversations. I like telling stories in big groups. I like laughing so hard it hurts. I like making people laugh so hard it hurts. I like girl gossip. I like sleepovers. I like having people over. I like making dinner for people. I like cuddling. I like hugs. I like cozying up with a good book. I like books that make me cry. I like painting. I like my cats. I like to knit. I like hats. I like video games. I like karaoke. I like duets. I like cocktails. I like road trips. I like shopping. I like fireworks. I like swimming in lakes. I like picnics. I like waterfights. I like pool noodles. I like the color chartreuse. I like going out for coffee. I like working at Coyotes. I like being in the theatre. I like Rufus Wainwright. I like Muse. I like David Gray. I like snapdragons. I like meeting new people. I like making new friends. I like vintage things. I like looking at old pictures. I like the friends ive had for years. I like my new friends. I like playing the piano. I like knowing what people are saying without words. I like My Little Pony. I like stickers. I like bubblegum. I like tigers. I like my apartment. I like coloring. I like tea.I like Apple cider. I like sweaters. I like cinnamon. I like games nights. I like taking the ferry by myself. I like Vancouver. I like Gilmore Girls. I like sparkly things. I like figuring things out. I like history. I like the word Kismet. I like the idea of fate. I like coke. I like nice pens. I like making lists. I like long showers. I like bubble baths.I like lying on the grass and looking at stars. I like the fifties. I like remembering my dreams. I like wrestling with boys. I like it when they let me wein. I like daydreaming. I like listening to good songs 10 times in a row. I like matching socks. I like fishnets. I like my converse boots. I like being warm. I like irony. I like staying at my dads house. I like inside jokes. I like sleeping in. I like staying up late. I like being ultra close to the speakers when at a concert. I like getting text messages. I like driving at night. I like ghost stories. I like the Tilt a Whirl. I like a boy.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Bloggity Blog Blog

Yes, it has been a time since I gave any sort of worthy post. Totally not my fault. I got my computer back ( precious precious baby!) on Tuesday, which makes it almost three months I didnt have one.

Unfortunately, if youre hoping for a three month update, set yourself up for disappointment. You dont erally want to hear abotu September and October anyways, cause it would be like, 8 bazillion pages of me complaining about all the crappy stuff.

November, however, has been most wondrous!

in short, I turned 19.

My birthay was amazing, and thankyou to everybody who came and gave me the most awesome birthday ever!!! It all staretd off with Lisa taking me to the Foundry to buy me a couple birthday shots, including a muffdiver, which she FORCED me to take out of her crotch. Not cool Lisa :P So, of course, I got whipped cream all over my face. And there are pictures. After that we rushed to the liquor store where I bought alcohol for the VERY FIRST TIME!!! tres cool. Then it was off to my birthday party!!!
Nearly all of my friends showed up, I was so happy. All my work friends came too, which was really cool, because some of them really arent the big theatre party type, and none of them really knew anyone ( except Peter, who mysteriously knows almost everyone I know). BUt they all said they had an awesome time! I got pretty drunk, not my worst though, which really is a good thing. There was no kitchenware on my head by the end, which is a good enough form of measurement for me.
ALl in all, it was a great party, with lots of dancing, and boozing, and chatting, but no drama! score! The only kinda scary thing, was when Tristan COLLAPSED onto me outside, and I had to drag him into Alleahs bedroom. I was freaked out, because I had no idea what happened, but he was fine. We both just went to sleep after that.
The rest of the weekend I pretty much just hung out with my family, cause Tiffany and my Gramma were in town.

SInce that weekend, life has been a blur. I fell headlong into Christmas, surprise surprise. I spent most of my time, with the new Clique. That is, Lisa M, NIkki, Madeline, and Jill. Ive been working lots, and schooling it up. I went to the bar twice! On the wednesday after my b-day, I went to the gay bar with a bunch of theatres, and danced the night away! It was brilliant! And then the very next day I went to the Velvet Underground with Tristan, to see this punk reggae band, who were actually pretty rockin. It was good times. Friday night we went to the Tenacious D movie with Noel, James, Tasia, and Peter and when the movie was over and we went outside, it was SNOWING!!! it was the most wondrous thing! I couldnt help but dance and skip around in it! everyone I was with though was like, its cold, lets go home. LAME!! Whatever, tristan came over to watch the snow anyways. This was probably a bad plan cause he didnt leave til 2 in the morning, and I had to work at 8.
Saturday night was Kylans birthday party, where everyone ( or at least, most everyone) got naked, and made out. It was weird. Well, more weird that it WASNT weird, you know? Getting there was a challenge, as it snowed ALL day Saturday ( joy!), and Errington, where Kylan lives was half buried in lovely lovely snow.
Around 1 ( I was half passed out on a mattress, drooling) and Spencer had to wake me up, because me, him, and Madeline were going to sleep at NIkkis house in Parksville. We got to sleep in til 12 on Sunday which was the best thing ever, because I didnt have to work til 3, and Nikkies gramma made us breakfast... but then around 1 I figured we should start heading on home, so I had time before work.

however, none of us had yet looked outside.

I guess I hadnt realized how much it has snowed, or maybe didnt realize just how much snow affects us here on the island. When we tried to move the car, it got stuck. We tried for almost an HOUR! Nikki also ran over my foot with her car, not fun. Nikkies gramma got cranky because we were trying to leave. I got cranky because i wanted to leave but couldnt! But, we were well and truly snowed in, ni Parksville.
2 Years ago I would have been overjoyed at being stuck somewhere in the snow. I wouldnt have to do anything! I could just play outside, or sit inside and watch movies with my friends, and drnik hot chocolate...
I hate how much ive grown up.
seriously, the day I was stuck, I was so agitated. I had so much stuff to do! and i dont have that much time to do it. I was wasting this whole day, doing nothing, and I could feel myself falling behind. Spencer was reading, and Madeline was doing her cross stitch, and Nikki was on the phone, all of them content as could be, and I just sat there, little waves of irritation emanating of me. I cant do nothing. It drives me crazy. Im sorry to say I was probably really annoying that day, but I couldnt help it.
I had to call in sick to work that day too. I hated that most of all. I really like the fact that they can pretty much always count on me to work, and Ive only called in sick once.
Anyways, Spencers stepdad was nice enough to pick us up in Parksville and drive us home late that night. I was never so happy to be in my apartment. The only weird thing... barbara wasnt there.
ive gotten so used to having Barbara always around. She was the best kind of family I ever had. And now shes moved out... its really sad. Moreso because I know I liked our arrangement much more than she did. Still, its weird not having someone to come to, and share stories with. Who do I have to tell all my news to?? I'll have JIll soon enough I guess. Its just different with Barb, is all. She knew everything about me. Ah well, no sense dwelling over that.

SO Monday we had no school. I decided, seeing as my essay was due on Tuesday, that this would be a good day to start. Unfortunately, I am so easily distracted, I did everything but, like clean the house, and bake cookies. So I braved the storm and trekked all the way to Coyotes, where I knew there would be no distractions. I ended up staying til like, 6, and then went to tristans for a bit to hang out. But, i did get lots of information and stuff, so it was all good.

The rest of the week is mostly a blur of sleepovers and snow adventures! Nikki, Jill, Lisa, and others slept over on those nights, and we made martinis, and watched movies, and just generally had good times.

The funniest thing was probably thursday, when we tried to go to Tranceformations so Nikki could get her tattoo, and we couldnt get out of the driveway, so my neighbour had to come dig us out, and also getting back in, when Lisa had to pour kitty litter everywhere, and we all had to push... or when me and Nikki tried to get to school on Wednesday, but the parking brake was up, and we didnt know, so we couldnt figure out why the car wasnt moving!
Later on Thursday sooo many people came over, and we made gingerbread houses!!! ( *cough* my teams was better) and then we watched Love Actually, and all had good times.

Friday was an awesome day too, when we were all elves, but this post is long enough as it is, so i'll write some more on it later.