Brianna wins 'em all

Is this the documentation of the adventures of the great and mysterious ( and often hilarious) Dr Smooth? Or just the incessant ramblings of the 19 year old drama queen Brianna Akins? only a true mastermind can decipher the truth!

Friday, December 24, 2004

This ones long kids, better brace yourselves.

I had an extraordinary week. In the fact that things were different, not that they were specifically excellent, although some were.


I actually dont remember what I did on MOnday at all, so Im just going to assume I was busy with chores and christmas things. Until Monday night, that is, when I went over to Lauras house for dinner. The cast includes: Me, Laura, Alleah, Sean, Barbara, Mel, and Geoff, with cameo appearances of Lauras mom.
Props: Two suprise cones full of excellent fun, including star wars paraphernalia and a minibike.
a most delightful hat made my Melody
A white gold ring
Several pairs of monogrammed mittens made by yours truly/
platefuls of spaghetti
the romance game

While the night was fairly entertaining, it did not get a standing ovation in my books.


Tuesday was the day I was going to go to my fathers new home in Powell River. Im sure you can imagine how excited I was. I was also hoping to sleep in til about 11, so that I wouldnt have to spend so much time being bored and anticipatory ( i realize this isnt a word, but I like it) but the carpet guys were coming that day, and woke me up at 8 in the freaking morning. So I jumped in the shower, got ready, did all my chores. packed and stuff, but I still had like, two hours to waste until 12 when my dad was coming. Finally at quarter to he called and I waited out in the driveway and was so nervous, which was odd. I guess its because I hadnt seen him in sooo long, and Im sooo different. anyways, my dad finally arrived, and he jumped out of the car to put my bag in the trunk, and I nearly SCREAMED. For he had grown out his hair. It is nearly as long as mine. I was like, ick, dad. But whatever, it didnt look terrible. When I got in the car Vanessa ( my stepmom) turned to me and was like, wow Brianna, you look so pretty! but not in the Wow Hi you look so good! kind of way. In the sincere kind of way. I was slightly shocked because it is not everyday somebody compliments me on LOOKS of all things. So then we went to the mall for while, because there isnt anything to buy in Powell River at all and they were shop-starved. We wandered around for a bit, and they bought some stuff.

then we went on the excruciatingly long car ride to COmox. Well, it wasnt that long, but I really like to not talk in car, but my dad didnt know that, so he kept asking me all these questions and trying to start conversations, but I only wanted to look out the window and think about things. The ferry was pretty dull too, but I wore my hat from mel, which was entertaining.

We got into Powell River around 4:30, and it was actually a nice little town [pop. 18000] we drove around looking at christmas lights for a while, which was really nice feeling, and christmasy. we drove otu to their house, which is actually kind of rural. They have three acres of beautiful land with trees and an arbor, and a little pond, and a forest out back. There house was picture perfect too. The whole thing seemed out of some movie. When we got inside I wqas instantly mauled by my giant German Sheperd Panzer who is still as cute and friendly as ever! My fathers house was amazing too. Big and beautiful and all decked out in christmas, compelte with candly glows, and a roaring fire.

I gave them their christmas present ( birds of Coastal BC) which they loved and immediately attempted to identify all the birds they had seen so far. After, we watched my choir video, and some christmas specials on tv while I knitted by the fireplace. It was the epitome of made-for-tv christmas movie. I loved it more than anything... then Dad got otu the thing he had bought ast Toysrus that day, a Darth Vadar helmet. When you put it on and press a button you can talk like DV, so my dad had a field day saying"Brianna... I am your father!" and scaring the bejeezus out of Panzer. After chatting and eating cheescake, we put on a Muppets Christmas carol, and I ended up falling asleep curled up to Panzer.


IN the morning Dad woke me up at like 8, and I had a shower, and went downstairs for breakfast. Vanessa gave me some coffee, and my dad was stunned when he realized I was drinking coffee with them. He was like, I didnt drink coffee til I was in the army ( whenever that was) and onl because it was all you had to drink sometimes! I was like, whatever dad.

we went for a walk outside in the forest after breakfast, just me and my dad and Panzer, and tlaked abotu the environment and threw sticks for the dog. That kind of thing made me almost wish I lived there.
When we came back inside the three of us painted little christmas decorations I brought and sang carols, until it was time for us to go ( there were only two ferries that day)
we went to the mall again for a few hours because they had time to waste before going back, and Vanessa bought me some preppy clothes from Bluenotes, which I love. then the drove me home.

I hate goodbyes. I never know what to say.

I came home and my mom automatically called to tell me to do some mroe chores. When she got back she yelled at me for not doing them right, It made me wonder why I ever came back. And then I went on msn and remembered why.

Brads party was that night, and i would have had a much better time if I wasnt so blasted tired. But in reality, it wasnt the most fun. I guess because there were so many people there that just arent my friends at all - and probably never will be.
I was lame and came home at 10:30 on the pretense that I was tired.
that was bollocks because I talked to Glenn and Talissa until 12:30.

Got up and had to do more chores. Yay.. Then played some telephone/msn tag to make a plan with Mel, Gareth, and Glenn to go shopping.
I ended up going on the bus at 1:20, which was packed, with Gareth at the back, and me standing in the front. We met up with Glenn and Mel, and had a lot of fun shopping anf stuff, while running into many people we knew. Glenn got his ear pierced and I was freaking out because needles are scary.
I bought Caitlins birthday present.
Me and Mel went to Bryans to try on prom dresses but their sizes are ridicuously small, which made me angry. Also Glenn and Garet hwere pretending to watch me change, which was weird. we went to Starbucks ( of course) last, and then I came home on the 5:24 bus.

I walked i nthe door and immediately had to set the table for dinner. My gramma and Gary had arrived and expected me to be sociable, but I was just so tired.. I wrapped Caitlins b-day present and wrote out a card and stuff... and after dinner I pretty much just had to leave right away.

Caitlins house was really fun. Its nice that I can still have fun with those guys even though were all so different. Kourtney left home early, saying she was sick, and Alleah didnt show up at all, so it was basically me, Caitlin, Laura, and Nicola.

we stayed up til 2 being stupid and girly, and having fun.

Friday ( today) ;

first, let me say, happy birthday Megs!

now, I came home from Caitlins around 12, and have spent the reszt of the day playing Sims for Xbox, and avoiding my relatives who have already started arguing anf being crabby.

I hope everyone has a merry christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Good times, Chitlens!

So I told everyone about the ultra fun party on Friday, but I did some other stuff this weekend which was cool too! in fact, I had people over every day this weekend, which is veery unlike me. Saturday I had to do a bunch of cleaning nonsense left over from the party, which I did, and then played Wheel of Fortune with Glenn for like, 2 hours, and I totally kicked his ass, because I am a super genius. Then later, Melody came over and we hung out for w hile, looking at arrangements for the Dover choir, and we watched Dodgeball while killing ourselves laughing! It was good fun. So Mel slept over, and in the morning she made French Toast!how wonderful. a little while later Geoff and Glenn came over, and we played xbox for a while, and then ate some brownies, and had a big huge relationship chat about why girls ( and guys) suck. Then we played Romance, and watched Love Actually while drinking tea. Haha, the g-boys are my new girlfriends. Then around 9:30 Glenn went home, so Geoff played some more xbox. He left around 10:30, but then we were all on our own computers and tlaked for a while anyways. I had a big complain0fest with Megs on msn too, which was satisfactory.

So today i slept until one, because i am gross, and later im going over to Lauras for dinner. Sounds good.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

i love Christmas, and I love everyone!

So as everyone knows, I had my christmas party last night, and It was lots of awesome fun! I put "mistletoe" ( a piece of paper with crappily drawn leaves on it) on the roof, and we all had looots of fun kissing each other silly. And the hugging. There was much hugging, and I do like that. We sang christmas carols, and watched a few songs from the choir DVD. Oh! Everyoen loved their gloves/socks, and I was so pleased! I thought everyone was going to be like, Brianna, youre so lame. But they didnt! * happy* plus they loved my gingersnaps! Yay. I just felt bad because I was kind of snapping at people because they werent following "the rules" . Im sorry guys! I just had to make sure nothing was broken, or done, or anything!
so basically we just hing otu and chatted all night, which was fine by me! I had a good time, anyways, and it seems so did everyone else.

So just now I managed to re-set up my entire computer all by myself with no instructions. I am so obviously the epitome of cool.

today is my relaxing day!!! I mean, I have to do after party clean up and stuff, but other than that, im just going to knit, or read, or wrap presents or something else quiet and nice.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Sometimes I wonder:

  • when all this became just a game to me
  • why im so sensitive sometimes
  • why sometimes nothing ever works out
  • which Brianna I actually am
  • why I like controversy so much
  • why I dislike confrontation
  • why I feel the need to shut out emotion
  • when it became a question of need
  • why Im such a stubborn ass

Maybe you dont understand. Dont worry, you dont have to.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

So what.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Yesterday was good. today was not so good.

What was so great about Tuesday? you may ask yourself. Well, first block was biology ,which is relatively dull at the best of times, and on occasion excruciatingly dull. However, we dissected a sheep pluck in the morning, and for those who dont know, a sheep pluck is the internal systems of a sheep still all hooked together, coming out in one piece. And it was fresh. What a lovely sight to see. Anyways, at least that was semi interesting, instead of the usual notes all class.
2nd block was better, because I went to the mall with Gareth, where I bought my dads christmas present ( Birds of British Columbia) Because he just moved to Powell river and was sad because he couldnt identify any coastal birds besides the obvious ( like seagulls or something).
After shopping we went to Dairy Queen so I could get some lunch, because I wouldnt have time to eat at lunch, because of the choir thing. We went to sing at a retired teachers luncheon, which went pretty well, I think. They loved us anyway. It was weird though, while we were setting up, I went and stood in a completely random spot and this overwhelming sense of Deja vu hit me. very odd, especially because I had never been there before.

After that, I went to Writing, in which I made decorations for me, Gareth, and Mr Warren, for our door decorating contest. Mine were so pro.

After school I went with Laura to Starbucks, which was really nice, because we had normal coffee chats, and then talked about boy stuff, and things we havent been able to chat about for ages, because shes always so busy with Tim. It seems weird that we've gotten to the "lets get together for coffee"stage without having graduated yet. *sigh* Oh well, Im still a kid with my g-boys.

today was sucky because Alleah got pissed at me, and now for some reason im being all whiny and complainy on msn. Do you ever have one of those days where you hate the little things you do, and then do them anyways?

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Okay, so its been a while

I cant help that I have a life, and have been spending my time enjoying that rather than sitting at home writing about stuff. So this week has been UBER hectic! 4 Muth shows, 2 dress rehersals, and 2 choir recitals. Oh yeah, and add to that the fact that I have HARD GRADE 12 classes in which my teachers are heartless an'd cruel and are giving me no leeway on homework.

so, the shows have been SO GREAT and Im going to miss everyone so much...

um, last week I bought an XBOX and went bowling with awesome squad, had a girls night.. uhhh.. made some cookies...

Today I played video games with Glenn and Geoff, my G-boys.

other than that, not much is up.