Brianna wins 'em all

Is this the documentation of the adventures of the great and mysterious ( and often hilarious) Dr Smooth? Or just the incessant ramblings of the 19 year old drama queen Brianna Akins? only a true mastermind can decipher the truth!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Provincials and a Pantload of Fun

Just so you know, all other days of the week are bunk, so I am simply going to describe Friday.

I got up at normal time, whatever, and went off to school... blah blah, dull dull.
Everyone in History was all nostalgic and melancholy about never having a class again, weird as that may sound. I mean, yeah, it was more work than i have done in all of my other classes in the past 3 years combined, but I learned like nobody's business and had a lot of fun. AH well, "Munsday" and "Tsarbucks" will live on..

heres to the Tarwitz Experience and the History Dozen!

SO after that I was supposed to trounce of to writing class, but instead i went with the History kids to the career centre ( better than the library because they just cluck like chickens if you are loud and boisterous) to "study" which lasted all of 20 minutes until we got bored and just goofed off, and spread gossip like the teenagers that we are. ( i just typed "are" as ate and then laughed a lot)

then at lunch I decided to go to Save On with Laura and Gareth and we decided to be collectively gross and bought chips and dip, a two litre of coke, and 8 zillion pounds of smarties. Then, we had a little mini pickernick in upstairs A wing during C block, in which we got insanely hyper. Like, we found this scantron of some grade 9 named Brett burns, who we dont know, and for some reason calling Brett Burns "Bunk" was the most hysterical thing ever said. This went out for abotu an hour when me and Gareth realized we had our history provincial in about an hour, and were NEVER going to be able to concentrate in that condition. ( although that fact in itself caused great hilarity)

So then we did the exam. It was pretty dull, and long, but easy, thank the good lord above.

Then Friday night I had Awesome Squad -Megan + Geoff and Mel over for GAMES NIGHT!! Which turned out to be a "pantload"of fun ahahahaha. We had an intense boy/girl rivalry during Cranium TURBO EDITION, but the girls, being vastly superior, won. although We had to bow to the guys' excellence at their acting/ guessing skills when Kevin had to perform a) sword swallower, b) alligator wrestler c) contortionist .

We also played this games of Stef's called Imaginiff, which was most humorous, and I won! (whee) and Balderdash, which the best thing EVER! thats where the whole pantload thing came form, because it was from a real description of a movie. We were laughing so hard and being so rambunctious that at 11:30 my mom was like, go home. So they did, leaving me with a giant cokey/chippy mess.

Oooh and then i read my fabulous fabulous Phantom novel until one in the morning!! I am soo into it right now, and its not just because its about Phantom! I'm half done the book and he hasnt even gone to the Opera yet, because its all abotu his incredible history. The book is tres magnifique and i would recommend it to ANYBODY! I actually spent two hours reading it today as well.

So today i got up at a ridiculous hour (9) and was shocked to discover that Tami had three ( creepy) guys sleep over in her room, which was kind of disturbing. When my mom found out she FLIPPED and decided she was going to kick Tami out, not only for that reason, but others as well. This she decided when we were out PROM DRESS SHOPPING ( yay!) I ended up buying this periwinkle colored dress that was fairly plain but fit perfectly and looked really nice, so I was mighty pleased. Now all I need is a date! grr...
hum ho, and then me and my mom went for coffee at the Bocca... and then rented movies... and here I am!

PS: Alex! see the bar at the top of all blogs? Well, if you click "next blog" you will find the person who has most recently posted. So, I was bored, and found you! Your blog is sufficiently interesting, as most of friends are post neglectorbs and only do so once a week ( me). But just so you know, be prepared to be bombarded with comments from my buds, because they ferociously comment attack any new blogger! :)

PPS: Megs! will you make me a link list???

Sunday, January 23, 2005

catch up post

So... I suppose I will go back as far as my feeble little brain remembers. I think that would be aorund Thursday. All I really remember about school THAT day was the bloody History exam we did. For some reason tarwitz made us do what was kind of a mock provincial ( i nthe sense that it was an actual past provincial) But there was nothing mock about the fact thats its worth 30% of our second term mark. Anyways, i figured I'd be out by the end of the class, but at 3:40 I was the first one to leave. Scaaaary long test. I'm not really looking forward to Friday.

Then, after the test, Gareth came back to my house where we hung out and watched the OC, and then my mom made us Poutine and Hot wings for dinner (yum).
At 6:30 we went to Dover to go see Loosely Connected, the show that Martha was in, and when we got there, all of Awesome Squad was there! Which pleased me greatly! The show was pretty great, *flop* "its cool that you have cancer" * arm flop* "hey, do you want to dance?"


also, "Alex, get me some nachos!" And the whole business with burning the guys! Most wonderful!
I also spent quite a few minutes trying to convince Kevin to take me to prom. Which, so far, he hasnt said anything to.

Anyways, Friday was pretty dull until around 7 when the g-boys came over! yaaaay! I hadnt had them over for a few weeks, so I was pretty excited. I rented some "scary" movies, the first one being Final Examination. I thought it apt, seeing as finals ARE coming up and all, but it turned out to be the absolute worst movie in the history of the world, with no plot and ranodm shower scenes with naked girls rubbing themselves all over. Needless to say, we mocked it to no end. After that we watched Dracula 2000, which I heartily enjoyed because Gerard butler (the Phantom) played Dracula. and he is so sexy fine *drooool drool*
Although Glenn wasnt having the best of times because my 23 year old tenant was totally hitting on him, which he thought wasw weird. I was getting all g-boy protective too. Anyways, then we just hung out for a while until they all had to go home.

Satruday was extraordinarily dull. I dont even know WHAT I did until 6:30 ish when I called laura and was like, entertain me. So she took me out for dinner with her mom to this Japanese dig, which was pretty cool. I had fun anyways. And Lauras mom promised me buckets of yarn because its rotting in her basement.
Later that night I did a whole bunch of nothing, yippee.
Oh wait! I started what is going to be a fantabulous painting! its a giant poster of the Phantom and Christine, and i cant wait til its finished!

Sunday i got up bright and early (9) to go to my bio review session, which started off all fine and good until I got a massive migraine headache which if you lucky kids dont know, includes the following;
1) the loss of your peripheral vision
2) an inteeense painful headache
3) extreme nausea, and throw-upedness

So yeah, i had to skip my history review session, because it felt like i was DYING so i came home and threw up ( which I havent done since I was 8) and tried to sleep it off, but I coudnt get to sleep for four hours. It was hell I tell you, HELL!.

So, around 6, i woke up to pizza and movies, which made me feel better.

Today i still fely woozy and bad, so i stayed home, worked on my drawing, and watched bad tv.

Tonight Im going to superstore so I can FINALLY get a battery for my camera ( SO much of my life is un documented!) and some printer ink, and some other stuff.

Oh! I am tres excited for tomorrow because it is our 2nd COLLECTIVERSARY! w00t! yeah, this is cool because were going to give each other presents that we already had, which is neat. Laura and Alleah are going to simply flip when they get them! Plus we are also having a collective mother/daughter dinner to celebrate the event!

anyways, must go wash a pot.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


So Ive been thinking. yeah, real thinking. Scary isnt it? It wasnt abotu History homework, or what im going to wear tomorrow, or something funny someone said today. You see, im so simple and shallow (not looks wise) that I never discover some deeper thought unless i really stop to ponder.

I was thinking about I really want out of life sometimes. Not what I want to be, or what my goals are, but what I truly want. Most of you will know these things just by having known me, but theyre the kind of things i didnt realize til i really thought about it.

I want to be famous. Not Nanaimo Famous. I want everyone to know my name and talk about me all the time, whether a positive or negative connotation.
I want to be recognized, anywhere and everywhere.
a public icon
I want people to make rumours about me when they see me
I want them to be jealous
I want them to wish they WERE me

A lot of the time I want to be better
better than anyone in the world
i want them to worship the ground i walk on.

Sometimes I just wish that everybody just thought good things about me
and everybody liked me
I want them to think im a good friend
I want them to think i'll be there for them
that they can tell me anything
and that I'll listen
sometimes thats true

and then sometimes I want to be mean
unecessarily cruel
I want people to be afraid of me
afraid to make me angry
afraid of what im capable of
When I walk down the street I want them to know that i can be dangerous.

And every so often I wish that there would be someone to love me for who I am
I dont think thats too hard
I want them to chuckle at my oddities
and ignore my flaws
I want them to tell me everythings going to be okay when the world seems to fall apart.

And then, after all that, I think of all the other people who want things
all the other people thinking by the themselves on their own blogs
wanting the things that I already have
like great friends
a good financial position
decent grades
a bit of talent
a sense of humour

and then I smile.

Everybody wants something. Whether it to be incredibly rich, or have the house in the suburbs with the SUV/collie/2.3 children. SOme want to just blend into the background, or do something simply for the good of others, not caring if they get recognition.

So everyone wants something. Think hard. What do YOU want?

Monday, January 17, 2005

ripped off, but I liked the idea

Things I like:

- old friends
- making new friends
- a book you cant put down
- playing Hallelujah on the piano
- making cookies
- going bowling with people that equally suck
- listening to oldies
- music in general
- a really good movie
- playing in the snow
- taking the bus when you want time to think
- drinking Starbucks coffee
- parties
- blogs
- webcomics
- laughing so hard it hurts
- wearing preppy clothes
- mad dancing in the kitchen when no one is around
- trying really hard to whistle
- biting people
- cozy beds
- painting
- the Phantom of the Opera
- Sex and the City
- getting compliments
- giving presents
- my cats
- swings
- my xbox
- being able to say nothing at all to someone and still have it be completely comfortable
- acting 14
- Acting at all
- singing
- going to the beach in the summer
- having picnics
- doing really well on a test
- smiling
- pretending I can speak German
- roller coasters

There is so much more, but I thought that would be fun to do. Also, i wont make a list of things I dont like because concentrating on negative things suck.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

the Squad lives!

I was mighty sad the past little while because I hadnt seen my Awesome Squad mates all together since New years which was in fact a) two weeks ago and b) the funnest thing ever. So I was very pleased when I got to see them yesterday! I thought I wasnt going to be able to go, because Monkeys party was last night, and she wouldnt approve of me ditching him, but she let me. The thing is, I know the party would have turned out. I would have been in a room with a bunch of people I dont talk to anymore trying not to look bored. the only reason I would go is because it was Monkeys b-day, but I sincerely doubt he even noticed me not being there. Plus, i would have had to leave at 9 because my mom had to work the next day.

So, instead, I went bowling with Awesome Squad minus Kevin and Megs ( who i had seen earlier in the day, so it was okay)
and of course, we played two games, the first one with bumpers ( hahaha) and the second without. Stefanie actually managed to not fall too much this time, which was astounding, and Glenn managed to not work himself into a pep talk frenzy, which was equally astounding. And we also called each other "utilizers" a lot. So i dont remember who won the first game.. it was probably STef or something. All i remember is everyone making fun of each persons bowling technique, ot lack thereof, the like the hucking of the ball and forming of a claw that I do, or Gareths freaing fast ball.
"whip it!"
"whip it good"
"crack that whip!"
"licorice whip!"

ooooh good times.

So I won the second game, and was actually the only one to break 100, how sad is that?

*other highlights*
  • Martha's pant strip things falling off
  • the creation of VAMA ( victims against Martha's abuse)
  • dancing to the Grease remix and "singing"
  • me and Stef's brains melding together.
  • Glenns bellyflop bowling
  • martha rubbing my hand because she thought i was Gareth (hahahaha)
  • throwing snowballs outside.

After that we decided it would be fun to go somewhere, so we all went to Glenns house to watch Peter Pan and order pizza, which we did. Although I had to call and order because Glenn is a wussy face and wouldnt do it. But then the girl on the phone wanted my name for the computer ( because they were putting in a new address) and I was like, yeah... i dont live here. So now I think it says I live at Glenns house at Pizza Hut, funnily enough.

So we settled down to watch the movie, but of course I move too much, and Stefanie proclaimed she hated sitting by me.
Peter Pan kind of sucked, but it was fun mocking the weird girl who plays Wendy.
We decided we would try as a group to not burn each other for a half hour, which was abysmal because in five minutes Stefanie said something to martha and lost so I was like, youre such a loser, which meant I lost, and Glenn was like haha you suck, so HE lost, and then we kind of gave up. Its pure reflex to say "your mom" or something.

So that was my friday. It was great! Now today I cleaned my room, and Laura and mel are going to come over later to hang out. What fun!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Ice Capades

So today I went home a little eeearlier than usual because i didnt think I would have Dover choir after school, since Mel has been all sick and whatever lately. So, instead, me and Gareth went to my house. However, on the way, we got a glimpse of the lake and it looked frozen! So we were like, hey.. is the lake frozen? So we went to the public access off of Ross to look at the lake. And indeed, it was frozen over. But no, because we are the weirdest people on the planet, seeing the frozen lake was simply not enough. So, Gareth walked on it a fee steps, and while it shook a little, didnt crack or anything. So that was all fine and good but still not enough. So, I, being the gnius that I am, decided to throw a large rock to see if it would breal the surface. Not only would that be ultra cool, but then we could see if the ice was thick. Well, instead of breaking the ice, I just broke the rock.
Needless to say, the entire adventure was quite pointless, but also quite amusing.

So i'm going to audition for Bard to Broadway, i decided. Not only would it be super great fun, but just THINK of the kind of acting experience I could get if i got in! It would be so excellent... But, I have to do a monologue which Ive never done before. Plus, they never told me wheat kind of monolgue to do, drama, comedy, whatever. So, Im doing this really dramatic one from Lost In Yonkers where the character starts crying at the end. I hope they dont think im extremo weird, doing that one. Megs is doing a funny one from Addams Family, but If Gareth is auditioning hes doing a drama from the same play as me.
We also have to a song, which im not worried about at all, but I still need to actually PICK one.
SO theres a few plays i could get into, due to casting requirements

South Pacific: girls age 18-40
Red Herring: girl 20's (this is the one I REALLY want but its unlikely) Name is Alice: girls of all ages ( the one I will probably get into, which is still really cool)
Honk JR: young adults

so any of those would be ultimo cool, except i would rather not be in Honk Jr, the kids one.

I had a really random dream the other night, where I sort of went back in time to the 1700's and I was in this nunnery, which was like my school, and we all had to wear funny red hats. So one day I went out into the courtyard and all the boys were learning math from this crazy teacher/scientist guy. I told them I knew the multiplication table which amazed them all because girls werent allowed tyo learn math for some reason. So then I taught them BEDMAS, which hadnt been invented yet. The next day crazy teacher guy came back and told me he had built a time machine with the science of BEDMAS which I had taught him. So he was like, "come with me to the future! But I was like, "we cant, i might never be born!" Which doesnt even make any sense.

So thats about it for now, catch you later!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

How many times must one say "what the DEUCE?"

like really kids, so much anger. Although I realize much of that is my fault, what with my wrongful accusations of poor Timothy... but really, I wish we wouldnt all get so mad at each other all the time. Its like, theatre kids take the whole drama thing to heart. Ive just never understood that...

So, I'd like to say right now, that if i have done anything to any of you, that I am sorry, and if you want to yell at me, or swear, or talk it out, or whatever, im giving you free reign to completely vent. thats right. Whatever is your beef with me, whether recently or long term, say it here and i promise to not get mad. just...go nuts.

Now, with that out of the way, i'd like to say there is an extraordinarily cute guy in my house right now who watches Sex and the City, is funny, and thinks its cool that I knit. Unfortunately, hes in his 20's and going out with my sort of roomate Tami. Aint life a bitch.

in other news I didnt finish my endnotes for my essay... I suck.

So, I had a good night last night watching movies with Laura.. snow day friday was good..other than that I dont have much to say.

Goodnight all.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Oh Joy! Oh Rapture!

Okay, i have good almost-news! let me rephrase that. There is a chance that in the near future I shall have good news.

Okay, heres the deal. I managed (somehow) to convince my mom to call Dover and see if I can transfer!!!!!!!!! That means Im just ONE STEP CLOSER to going! Because now its all up to the school... they better not let me down.

also If i do go, I might stay for an extra semester, which would mean i could be in muth again!!!


I really really really hope this pans out.. Although I really would miss Laura, Alleah, and Gareth... oh well, maybe they'll all transfer too!!!!