Brianna wins 'em all

Is this the documentation of the adventures of the great and mysterious ( and often hilarious) Dr Smooth? Or just the incessant ramblings of the 19 year old drama queen Brianna Akins? only a true mastermind can decipher the truth!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I did it My Way

I just got home from Vancouver today. What a week. I had the most amazing time, truly I did. From Tuesday night to Saturday afternoon, it was nothing but kicks.

However, I really dont feel like talking about it. Alleah will, so you can see things from her point of view on her blog. It wont be my complete trip, because she was not there for all of it, but it'll have to do.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Good Times Again

I had this super long post written out, but lost it, so heres the condensed version

So Ive had an intriguingly awesome week!

Sunday night the RENT movie night at Geoffs went really well. So sucks to my negativity. It ended up being me, Cora, Amber, Geoff, and Monkey, GOOD TIMES. Monkey hadnt seen it before, so we werent supposed to be singing along at all ( which is SOOOO HARD!!!) and in the first half we were silent, but then started singing reaaaally quietly... and gradually got louder and louder til Geoff had to tell me and Amber to shut our traps. Oops. heehee. After we watched it we played tekken 5, and i totally pwned Monkey and Amber hardcore. Geoff however, is this video game boy genius ( added to the fact its all he ever plays :P) and I could not win!! Cora came home with me, and we had our much needed super girly sleepover!! And it was so great cause it was the first time neither of us had to work in the morning!!

... until Monday morning came and they called me in. SUCKY. Cause Cori anne had said she wasnt going to schedule me, although technically I still had 4 days of my two weeks left. So I worked ( gross) and then after I got back, went up to Alleahs house to hang out with her and Barbara. We convinced Geoff to come too, and to buy us some tequila, so we had a pseudo girls ngiht ( seeing as Geoff and Quinn were there) with margueritas, rum and coke slurpees, and strip poker!! I think that one was Alleahs idea.. but we played for a while. And all us girls got mostly naked, and Geoff refused to take off any clothes, cause hes such a lamer!! Quinn played with us for a while, until his little sister started taking off the clothes, hahaha.

Tuesday morning me, Geoff, and Alleah went around everywhere looking for something to do, and picking people up, and doing random stuff. It was a looong day, full of fun. We visited my old choir, and we were treated like gods!!! it was so grand. The altos direly need to be whipped into shape, and Mrs Sinclair all but begged us to come back, so we are!! tres cool. In the end of the day we ended up at Geoffs again, with Amber, Laura, Barbara, Alleah, and me, and we played some more video games and ate grilled cheese, huzzah!

Wednesday I got called into work AGAIN, for both Wednesday and Thursday, which sucks h-core, but oh well.

Thursday after work I went over to Mels house and we watched the OC, and CSI, and went on a long walk, and talked a lot, had a fun sleepover.

Friday night I went over to ALleahs place again, and we built up a big bonfire with Jordan gregoire, and played 13 dead end drive ( i lost sooo badly, its the worst game ever) and then two of Quinns friends, Ryan and Donny, showed up, and we hung out with them for a while. Long story short, we went four by fouring, the truck broke down, and were stranded for hours/ But all in all twas a grand adventure.

Saturday night I hung out with Alleah, Barbara, and libratorb Ryan. Poker, Malibu, and green paint was involved.

Sunday I watched Flightplan with the libratorbs... and today I spent all day preparing for we week long trip to Vancouver. And somehow i managed to snag Franz Ferdinand tickets for me and Alleah! SUPER EXCITED!!!

its going to be the best week ever, and I'll blog about it when I get home

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I hate it when things dont go according to plan.

I had this perfect weekend, all mapped out, and then it just all crumbled.

Well okay, im probably totally overreacting, but the problem with me is, I build things up so big in my head, that when one slight detail falls out of place.. well its like the bottom brick in a Jenga game. And I end up having less fun because of it, even if the event is still a really good time.

So let me explain; what was supposed to happen this weekend was as follows:

Friday night was going to be a party at Stephens, cause he was in town. ( this actually was a lot of fun and everything worked out well)
Saturday in the day I was going to stay home and hide allll of the Easter suprises for SUnday in my house, and then make sure the place was clean to have people over. Then Saturday night I was going to go to Chemainus to see Barbara, Jordan, and Ryans improv group perform, with Jen, Dave, Cora, and Stephen! then Stephen was going to sleep over
Sunday I had planned out an extensive Easter Egg Hunt for 6 of my best friends! Oh also Stephen was going to have his own special hunt, because he had to leave early for Gabriola. The Sunday night I was going to go to Geoffs to watch RENT with him and Monkey, because I havent hung out with the two of them in a depressingly long time, and I miss them!

What ended up happening:

Aden had asked me about a week ago to organize a little event with him and Amber, and a few other people, so he could get to know her better ( he doesnt say much at the big parties that they both attend) and he had been getting on my case so much that I got fed up, and asked both Aden and Amber if they would like to come watch RENT with me and Monkey. This works otu quite well for the both of them, but sucks for me. I mean, dont get me wrong, I like Amber a lot, and shes fun to hang out with ( and I'd like to watch RENT with her too!) but now its just this whole pseudo matchmaking thing, when I was supposed to be spending some quality time with Monkey.

Laura and Alleah both said they could NOT come to my SUnday surprise, whicih disappointed me a LOT. I mean, It meant I could invite two other people who I would like to come, but I still really wanted them both to be there, because they are two of my very best friends! So that sucks, but I invite two others, and so all of my spots are filled ( meaning there is exactly enough candy for everyone) Then Laura calls and says she CAN come!! while this makes me really happy, I cant exactly uninvite someone else.. But I had a few plastic eggs left, and some extra candy, and I dipped into my stash I got from my mom, so Laura does have something to hunt for.

Saturday Jen calls me and says she cant get the car, so we have no way of getting to Chemainus to see improv. This bites a lot. I was looking really forward to it, and so were they!! plsu I had promised Barbara I was going to come :( So thats out, but I was still going to have them over to hang out, seeing as we could GO out.

Then Stephen calls. He says oh, I decided to go with my family to Gabriola tonight instead of tomorrow, have fun! This made me really mad/ upset.. even moreso than with Laura and Alleah. I mean, he lives in vancouver, so I barely get to see him. BUt more than that, I had already hidden all his eggs, and made it special because he couldnt be there for the big event. And he didnt tell me ahead of time so I could invite someone else. I KNOW he wants to see his family too, and I dont blame him for that, but it doesnt stop me from being really pissed. Or maybe Im just more sad than angry, I cant tell. Either way, that was just like, the icing on the cake. It was just one more thing about this weekend that didnt work out for me.
Now I just want to tell everyone to screw off and leave me in a hole of misery.

But, instead, im having the girls over tonight. It will be fun, I know it.

gaaah, sorry about the tres emo post

Sunday, April 09, 2006

an Update

So it was less than a week ago I made all these on-the-fly decisions abotu my future, and already Ive done so much.

Wednesday night I applied to Malaspina. I did it right away because it was alreayd going to be considered a late application :S and I didnt want any less of a chance to get in. But Geoff told me that people applied the day before classes last year, and still got in, so I think im cool.

Thursday I quit my job. Liberating. I love that I dont work there anymore. ( well I still have a few shifts) but I can do whatever I want cause what are they going to do, fire me? mahahaha.

Friday I went dropping off resumes with Alleah. Went to a few promising places. And then ( shoot me) applied at NCO. But dont worry, its a LAST RESORT!

Saturday I didnt do any of the stuff on my list :P oh well, I needed a break.

Today Sushi Eh ( a place I applied) called me. Theyre looking for waitresses, and ive got an interview on Tuesday!!!!


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

And with me, it always happens so fast


I had a life changing epiphany today, on the bus.

No wait, i have to go back to last night first. I was eating dinner with Alleah and Trevor, and we were talking about motivation and whatnot. And I said, I work best with goals in mind. And I mean specific goals. Not just vague, in the distance ones. And not only do I work better, but im happier, and more fulfilled, I have a purpose, you know? And ive always known this about myself, its just a fact.
So today, I was sitting on the bus, and it just hit me, smack in the face: If ive known this all along, why the deuce havent I done anything about it? Ive just been puttering around for 8 months, saving up for something, somwhere, sometime. Yeah I wanted to go to school, yeah I wanted things to be different, but I wasnt doing anything about it!
So right then and right there I got out some paper and wrote a list;

Things I have to do to get my life on track
  • Quit my job. It is a life sucking, degrading job out of hell. And not only that, they are NOT giving me the full time hours I was promised when I was hired.
  • Hand out resumes. I mean, if im still planning on moving out ( which I am) im going to need a new job pretty soon! One where im appreciated, preferably. And not just another dime a dozen disposable worker. I'm better, and smarter, than that.
  • Apply to Malaspina. Yup, im doing it. Im going to be in the theatre program. I realized how much I need to get back into the swing of school things. Plus, ive been so down since ive been ignoring the huge part of me thats theatre. I need to do shows. I need to be around people like me!
  • Apply for a student loan. I should be on my own by then, so hopefully I qualify!! I probably cant go otherwise. But there are options such as;
  • Ask my dad for money. This probably doesnt seem like such a big thing to you guys.. but im terrified to ask him for money. I havent asked him for anything in all of my 18 years. We have a very peculiar relationship. Im afraid that if I ask for money.. he just wont talk to me anymore. My sisters and him dont talk, because they wont put up with anything. But when it comes to my family, I put up with all the crap. So if that plan fails im going to...
  • ASk my dad if he'll work out a loan with me. I KNOW he has the cash. So if we have a plan of payment, maybe he'll go for that. Im completely willing to pay back anything I take. In fact, I might like that more. I dont like feeling in debt to people forever. I like doing things on my own. But im not too proud to borrow, as long as I can repay.
  • And my last step, MOVE OUT! I know this has already been in the works, but I have to show you guys that its still a plan, and im still going to do it. No backing out on promises, thats not my style. However, the date HAS changed to June 1st.

So thats it. My marvelous plan for self improvement. Ive already applied to Mal, and im quitting my job tomorrow. Ive printed out a budget so that i can apply for financial aid. Ive printed off resumes, ive got my moving out stuff.

Like it says in the title, with me, it all happens fast.

Caio kids