I dont why i always do this to myself. Dont post forever and then have to do a monster post, I mean. And by MOnster, i'm talking normal people standards, not like, Alleah standards. Anyways, I had a most excellent week, and shall detail it to you here.
Monday morning i'm sure I just slept in and was boring for a while, because that is generally what my mornings consist of. In fact, I dont think i did much of anything until 6, when my mom drove me over to SPencers house to sleep over, because we hadnt hung out in forever and a day ( or November) . I had dinner there, which was an odd affair, let me tell you, because none of them speak... I always feel so out of place that I get really nervous and start telling a bunch of random stories that arent relevant to anything, just so I can get them tlaking and laughing. Which usually works, actually. Anyways, so im pretty sure her mom hates me because it definitely seems that way.
Then after dinner we went downstairs to watch the WORST MOVIE EVER MADE, "sleepover", which was a bunch of grade eight girls who had this scavenger hunt against "popular girls" for the good lunch spot at the highschool next year. And, of course, the popular guy she had a crush on ended up liking her too. Boooooo. Like that would ever happen in real life.
Then we watched the Girl Next Door, which wasnt bad. At least the guy was cute. hmm.. and then we watched A Cinderella Story, which was also craptastic. Oh well.
Then once the movie watching was over, we went to bed, and talked about random girly stuff that I wont get into.
I went home from Spencers around 11, and then hung around all day until I went to the movies with Geoff, Grace, Martha, and Gareth. ( the fifth-wheeledness was all my fault, because i invited martha, and then unthinkingly invited gareth) But that doesnt matter because it was fun anyways. we went to see PHANTOM OF THE OPERA which was just as amazing that third time! ( im so ashamed...) But hey, at least I didnt cry this time.
SO after the movie, We went to Starbucks for a little while, drank some coffee, and also had coffee spat all over us by Gareth, who is gross, and cant hold in liquid when something is funny.
After that Geoff drove Grace home, and then was going to drive me and gareth home when he went entirely INSANE and started swerving on the road and laughing maniacally, and generally being weird and crazy. It was really hysterical, but also kinda freaked me out.
Anyways, he immediately decided we needed to go on a candy run. The reason behind this completely eluded me, because he seemes hyper already. Despite this, we went to 7 eleven and bought 8 dollars worth of candy, and then he drove us home. utterly random, I know.
I woke up bright and early ( and in a bad mood) because I had to go write by bio provincial that morning, which ended up being the hardes test Ive ever had to write. I dont know know if I just didnt know the stuff, or if Im stupid, or if it was actually as hard as I think it was. Either way, i dont think I did very well. On the multiple choice at least, the written wasnt bad.
Later that day I decided it was abotu time to dye my hair again, so I looked around for my green punky color, but COULDNT FIND IT ANYWHERE!
Needless to say, I was dismayed. SO then Gareth said If I would go to ther mall with him, he would spot me five bucks to go with my 10 so I could buy the dye. But, instead, i bought lagoon blue, because I am just that cool.
And then, for some unknown reason, we went for a walk which lasted abotu 2 hours, just completely at random. And then I went home.
I tried to streak my hair with the blue but it didnt really show up, which made me sad.
At 7 Alleah came over and we ate pizza and watched the Grudge, which ended up freaking me out to no end because i am the biggest scaredy cat that ever lived. Then we wtahced the choir DVD from last year, and made fun of everyone and laughed our asses off, which was pretty fun. Around 10:30, she went home, and I went to bed.
I went to Lauras house for the Collective sleepover!! yaaay. Well, because, my blue streaks didnt show up, we decided instead of streaks, we would simply bleach my entire head blonde, and then color it with the leftover blue.
I could tell something was already wrong when the blonde came out all patchy and weird, and i looked like a spotted dog.
And then, joy of joys, there was not enough blue to make my hair look actually blue, so it was a sickly green color. I was devastated. So we spent the rest of the night NOT worrying about it, and instead, reasing cosmo and being girls.
Okay, this is already getting long, so I shall write about Friday and Saturday later tonight.